Sub-Category Theme Broken
Hi guys,
I didn't see this issue indentified on the first few pages so I thought I would start a thread. I've noticed that my sub-categories are not "holding" their custom theme (sand) and are constantly reverting back to default. It seems to have been doing this for at least a few days. It only is effecting the sub-catrogories, primary categories and front page are fine.
I didn't see this issue indentified on the first few pages so I thought I would start a thread. I've noticed that my sub-categories are not "holding" their custom theme (sand) and are constantly reverting back to default. It seems to have been doing this for at least a few days. It only is effecting the sub-catrogories, primary categories and front page are fine.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Hi Andy, I've linked one below. I find it happens with every sub-category page. I change it to say, sand, which it does change. Then I click off the page and come back and it's default again.
Appreciate the help.
Did you apply it and save?
I did so and it's fine now:
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Good Lord, no I sure didn't. Is the preview something new? I guess I have tinkered around with themes in a few years