Amateur Golf Tourney - Package help?
Eh, I know.. another "how much to charge" thread, but this is different. I already have my pricing for individual prints.
We do wedding photography very often at a country club, it's a mid-range club (ie. not an "exclusive" club, but not a public course).
They asked us to come in on a Friday morning (WHOO HOO! there's never weddings at 6am Friday mornings, so it's "free money"!) to shoot a big (about 75, four-somes) golf tourney. Since my photography background is sports/automobiles, it will be an exciting chance to get back into the "swing" (ha!) of things in a much slower-moving sport.
They are giving me a little bit of up-front payment and allowing me to sell my photos.
So my thought is to take a photo of each four-some at the 1st tee (before teeing off), and also an individual shot of each golfer (before teeing off). Then once everyone has teed off, I will be able to take a cart and "sniper" shoot people playing - what I'll probably do is head to the 18th green and work my way backward (that way I will miss as few golfers as possible).
What I'm planning is that everyone will get a business card with my SmugMug URL as well as a $5 off coupon. That will drive them to the site and even if they choose to order one 5x7 I'll still make a couple dollars.
My question is this: Should I offer "packages" or just individual prints? And if packages, any suggestions on what should be in them?
My thought is that a Package could simply be an 8x10 of the group and a 5x7 of the individual, I really doubt that anyone would buy a ton of prints. Another thought would be to offer a "group" package that would be 4 8x10s (group) and 1 each of the individuals - so the foursome can get together and save money/shipping expense.
I'm going to charge $12 for 8x10 and $8 for 5x7 which I figure will be a decent profit as well as a nice price-point (without a package, $20 for what most people would buy).
So, at this price do you think it's worth doing a package?
We do wedding photography very often at a country club, it's a mid-range club (ie. not an "exclusive" club, but not a public course).
They asked us to come in on a Friday morning (WHOO HOO! there's never weddings at 6am Friday mornings, so it's "free money"!) to shoot a big (about 75, four-somes) golf tourney. Since my photography background is sports/automobiles, it will be an exciting chance to get back into the "swing" (ha!) of things in a much slower-moving sport.
They are giving me a little bit of up-front payment and allowing me to sell my photos.
So my thought is to take a photo of each four-some at the 1st tee (before teeing off), and also an individual shot of each golfer (before teeing off). Then once everyone has teed off, I will be able to take a cart and "sniper" shoot people playing - what I'll probably do is head to the 18th green and work my way backward (that way I will miss as few golfers as possible).
What I'm planning is that everyone will get a business card with my SmugMug URL as well as a $5 off coupon. That will drive them to the site and even if they choose to order one 5x7 I'll still make a couple dollars.
My question is this: Should I offer "packages" or just individual prints? And if packages, any suggestions on what should be in them?
My thought is that a Package could simply be an 8x10 of the group and a 5x7 of the individual, I really doubt that anyone would buy a ton of prints. Another thought would be to offer a "group" package that would be 4 8x10s (group) and 1 each of the individuals - so the foursome can get together and save money/shipping expense.
I'm going to charge $12 for 8x10 and $8 for 5x7 which I figure will be a decent profit as well as a nice price-point (without a package, $20 for what most people would buy).
So, at this price do you think it's worth doing a package?
Las Vegas Wedding, Family, and Special Event Photographers.
Canon 7d
2 Canon 40d
70-200 f2.8L IS, 50mm f1.4, 50mm f1.8, 28mm f1.8, Tamron 17-55 f2.8, ProOptic 8mm Fisheye
And a bunch of other stuff
Canon 7d
2 Canon 40d
70-200 f2.8L IS, 50mm f1.4, 50mm f1.8, 28mm f1.8, Tamron 17-55 f2.8, ProOptic 8mm Fisheye
And a bunch of other stuff

Is it possible to have a second shooter?
My only impression of golf has been rich, semi rich and or neurotic people yell, scream, and throw things all while chasing a little white ball, then try and explain how calming and beneficial golf is.
The posed shots at the tee would be good, but I think a second shooter working on action, (teeing off, blasting out of a sand trap, etc) would be the one of a kind photo that they can't buy anywhere else.
Also I think your prices are too low. The size of the print sold does not impact the time, equipment, skill, etc. needed to process. Get that image they can't not buy, and charge accordingly.
Good luck and let us know how it goes.
Yeah I also think the prices are too low... my current reference is daycares where my package was $20 (smallest one). I'm sure this is price-sensitive even though they have money- and it does kinda suck that SmugMug is charging shipping which will end up being 25% on top of the package price...
My other concerns is that there will easily be 500+ photos.. and I am not sure the people will bother to go thru the entire gallery to find their on-course photos... they'll be able to find their "posed" shots based on tee times but I think it would be a pain to try to arrange the photos with their on-course shots (I don't know anyone there so it would be very difficult, too).
Another thought would be to set up a couple laptops afterwards, I think they are having a dinner... and don't charge shipping, print at Costco and have them pick up at the course...
Canon 7d
2 Canon 40d
70-200 f2.8L IS, 50mm f1.4, 50mm f1.8, 28mm f1.8, Tamron 17-55 f2.8, ProOptic 8mm Fisheye
And a bunch of other stuff
Also I don't care for Costco prints. Ether EZ Prints Or Bay will beat the paints off Costco from a quality stand point.
Do you stress over reasonable shipping charges when you buy?
Also what is the state sales tax? Shipping from Ca to NV, no sales tax is charged thus lowering the cost of shipping.
If I were in Las Vegas I would shoot the action shots for you on spec.
I shot two high school golf tournaments on the same course, just a couple of weeks apart. I shot all the boys teeing off hole #3 because it had a background of tall trees that blocked off everything else. I set up off the tee to the right with a Sigma 120-300 f/2.8. When the last foursome had hit, I did exactly like you described. I road around the course looking for vantage points to shoot players hitting from the fairway, pitching, putting, hitting from the sand traps once or twice. I made sure to stay back far enough so they wouldn;t hear the shutter.
The following day, I shot all of the girls in similar fashion.
Note: Be sure to have a wide angle on hand for the awards ceremony. With the kids, it became a crowded event with all of the coaches and parents all out on the covered porch. It was hard to get four boys and their coach in the pic with all the other people around sticking their cameras in the way (or walking up front and completely blocking the view). Thank goodness for the 17-40 and bounce flash.
Hope this helps.
Packages? When you create a package in Smugmug, it allows the buyer to pick and choose which images they want for the different sizes you have included. Check it out and make a couple of packages.
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MaxPreps Profile
Canon EOS 1D MK III and 7d; Canon 100 f/2.0; Canon 17-40 f/4; Canon 24-70 f/2.8; Canon 70-200 f/2.8L IS; Canon 300 f/2.8L IS; Canon 1.4x and Sigma 2x; Sigma EF 500 DG Super and Canon 580 EX II.