Problems uploading date taken stripped
Anyone else notice if the date taken is being stripped on uploads?
Just uploaded a batch of 9 photos and it was stripped from all. Here
I tried a replace on a photo and it was stripped again.
Also when I tried to used the uploader and replace it was as if the function did not exist. "identical skipping" was displayed when the replace photo option was used.
Just uploaded a batch of 9 photos and it was stripped from all. Here
I tried a replace on a photo and it was stripped again.
Also when I tried to used the uploader and replace it was as if the function did not exist. "identical skipping" was displayed when the replace photo option was used.
I have seen this problem with three different uploaders - Star*Explorer, Smug's simple uploader, and old faithful. So it doesn't appear to be uploader-specific but a more general issue.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
My tipoff was that my New Photos gallery (collected photos) sorts by picture taken date and since there isn't one they end up at the end of the gallery instead of the start.
Edit: I just tried to delete and then re-upload a file and the date taken is still missing.
"Work hard, rock hard, eat hard, sleep hard, grow big, wear glasses if you need 'em!"
Does SmugMug have an ETA on fixing this?
In case this is important - this is happening for me in existing galleries. In other words, in one gallery I have several photos from earlier in the week that are showing date-taken, and I added more to this same gallery last night - only those new ones are not showing the date.
Seems like it has to be linked to uploader/uploading rather than a general SM bug.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
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So it looks like the data was in fact stripped or otherwise can't come back?
Not a big deal for me, just 5 photos to delete and re-upload, just asking before someone else does.
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So was it the uploading mechanism that did this permanently to the files? Could make a dude think of what else the uploader could be doing to the "untouched originals"...
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