3,000 photos missing ???

Earlier tonight I moved 15-20 photos from one gallery to another. The destination gallery contained about 3,000 photos. The originating gallery emptied out, as I expected it would. But the destination gallery is also empty.
Originating gallery (empty): http://concord977.smugmug.com/Other/Temporary/12276210_cGmJG
Destination gallery (now empty too!): http://concord977.smugmug.com/Airplanes/Aviation-KFDK/9935686_DdAzt
Now all of those photos (3000+) are missing!! I can assure you that I did not delete them. My homepage still shows a thumbnail from one of the photos contained in the gallery.
Please advise what happened to my photos and what steps you can take to restore them. I do not have local copies of some of these photos and hate to think that they are lost forever.
(I have emailed 'help' with this information too).
Originating gallery (empty): http://concord977.smugmug.com/Other/Temporary/12276210_cGmJG
Destination gallery (now empty too!): http://concord977.smugmug.com/Airplanes/Aviation-KFDK/9935686_DdAzt
Now all of those photos (3000+) are missing!! I can assure you that I did not delete them. My homepage still shows a thumbnail from one of the photos contained in the gallery.
Please advise what happened to my photos and what steps you can take to restore them. I do not have local copies of some of these photos and hate to think that they are lost forever.
(I have emailed 'help' with this information too).
This has happened to me too - I just uploaded a photo into my daily gallery - when I went to look at it my gallery was empty
There were about 60 photos in this gallery and I can't see any.
When the site went live again, my photos returned.
False alarm.
Looking at your gallery, I can see 77 thumbnails in the gallery.
You're still using the all thumbs style with hasn't been updated in a long time and looks really lame on a large screen. I'd recommend you take a look at our new thumbnails style with allows you to display all thumbnails on one page, too, and it's not bogging down the visitor's browser if you have a couple 100 photos in a gallery.
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