Nice Long Term Travel Report

I found this travel report written by a guy driving a Honda Element, with a small tent trailer, kayak and a scooter around North America. This is a neat set up and he has been to a lot cool places. I would someday like to be on a similar trip. I just need to figure out how to finance it. :scratch
His FAQs talk about his car, his trailer and his computer, but no mention of his camera!
Cool link.
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SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Pretty much in the beginning. But I found this to be quite amusing. I've been saving mine for years!
Port Lavaca, TX> New Orleans, LA> Biloxi, MS
March 23, 2004; Port Lavaca, TX; mileage 14450; 7:24 pm.
Here are my fortune cookie sayings from dinner with BC, Lily, Dawn, Lilli and myself:
You are an adventurer - traveling on the highway of life.
You find beauty in ordinary things. Do not lose this ability.
you were just in nyc, have any piccies?
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something about a steak and a lens, somewhere. :uhoh