As stated in the rules, (linked on the first post of this thread as well), under PHOTO ENTRIES - A Must Read!
3. Post Processing:As a digital photography challenge, there are no limits on post-processing, unless stated otherwise for a "special" challenge round.
I was going to take a break from this one, but got hit in the head with an idea last night that I have to follow through with. Now I can't wait!
Ha! kinda like "up side the head"?
That's always good to have happen!!!
In my case, usually the Idea is just right there so close and I just dont notice it...kinda like "if it were a snake it would've bit me!" harr harrr (Am I funny yet?)
Well I'll be a monkeys uncle! my camera is broke and is in for repairs and I am very very sad, but I wont get my undies in a bind, I hope it will be an easy fix if not I will have to buy a new camera maybe one of them thar new fangdangle contraptions, for now I will just have to watch everyone else have fun. Guess it's better then a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, I know, I know two wrongs don't make a right. I just hope the repair shop isn't slower then molasses!
raining on the cliche parade...
So.... I happen to be a stickler for grammar, punctuation, and the like... and the incorrect use of the word 'cliche' is starting to make me antsy. Basically because I'm a big dork. There. I said it. I'm a big dork.
I think that what we are aiming for are actually idioms. A cliche is something that has been overdone and isn't interesting anymore. For example, when I first saw the title for this new challenge, I was ready for some shots of puppydogs, flowers, and babies
Anyway, here are some links for the folks who want to get their learnin' on:
So.... I happen to be a stickler for grammar, punctuation, and the like... and the incorrect use of the word 'cliche' is starting to make me antsy. Basically because I'm a big dork. There. I said it. I'm a big dork.
I think that what we are aiming for are actually idioms. A cliche is something that has been overdone and isn't interesting anymore. For example, when I first saw the title for this new challenge, I was ready for some shots of puppydogs, flowers, and babies
Anyway, here are some links for the folks who want to get their learnin' on:
Okay, for you Kinkajou the challenge is "Visual idiom"
Either way this is mostly the gist of what I was hoping to see.
"Show us your favorite phrase, expression or idea that is so well known we can see the overly used story without reading the title."
How it is titled whether correct or not is only important if no one understands what the goal is. So far everyone seems to be getting it.
In reality I am actually looking for either of the two, I wanted it to be wide open.
Well, I thought this would be such a fun challenge for me. I couldn't wait to get crackin'. Just had to come up with an idea. But then I came home from work one day and the rear A/C unit wasn't working. We got it fixed (not too expensive!). Two days later the front A/C unit quit. (Ok...this one was pricey.) To top it off, a couple of things came up at work that created a mini-crisis at the time, my husband was trying to move offices, my daughter's summer school schedule was making it difficult to be in several places at once. To top it off, it just poured down rain all week preventing me from taking the old camera out to play.
While I'm moping around the house in a mood to take pics and watching it just pour down rain, the shoot idea became so incredibly obvious--When it rains, it pours! My husband and I must have said that to each other a half-dozen times over those few days and it never dawned on me to use that! (Talk about a 'DUH' moment!!!) I talked it over with my daughter and she agreed to be my model since I said she could stand out in the rain to do it since it wasn't lightning. As soon as we had our idea panned out...... quit raining and it hasn't rained a drop since! Grrrrrrr!
We have a good chance of rain tomorrow, but we will be furiously packing to leave for vacation Friday morning and I probably won't have time to shoot (if it even does rain here) or edit & post anything if I do shoot it.
Just wanted to tell everyone that I'm enjoying the cliche's or er....idioms this week. I won't be around a computer with internet once I hit the road, so I won't be able to leave comments in the gallery.
Well, I thought this would be such a fun challenge for me. I couldn't wait to get crackin'. Just had to come up with an idea. But then I came home from work one day and the rear A/C unit wasn't working. We got it fixed (not too expensive!). Two days later the front A/C unit quit. (Ok...this one was pricey.) <Sigh> To top it off, a couple of things came up at work that created a mini-crisis at the time, my husband was trying to move offices, my daughter's summer school schedule was making it difficult to be in several places at once. To top it off, it just poured down rain all week preventing me from taking the old camera out to play.
While I'm moping around the house in a mood to take pics and watching it just pour down rain, the shoot idea became so incredibly obvious--When it rains, it pours! My husband and I must have said that to each other a half-dozen times over those few days and it never dawned on me to use that! (Talk about a 'DUH' moment!!!) I talked it over with my daughter and she agreed to be my model since I said she could stand out in the rain to do it since it wasn't lightning. As soon as we had our idea panned out...... quit raining and it hasn't rained a drop since! Grrrrrrr!
We have a good chance of rain tomorrow, but we will be furiously packing to leave for vacation Friday morning and I probably won't have time to shoot (if it even does rain here) or edit & post anything if I do shoot it.
Just wanted to tell everyone that I'm enjoying the cliche's or er....idioms this week. I won't be around a computer with internet once I hit the road, so I won't be able to leave comments in the gallery. quit raining and it hasn't rained a drop since! Grrrrrrr!
We have a good chance of rain tomorrow, but we will be furiously packing to leave for vacation Friday morning and I probably won't have time to shoot (if it even does rain here) or edit & post anything if I do shoot it.
Boy can I identify with what you have been going through! We went to Las Vegas on the 22nd of June to attend my daughters wedding at the Treasure Island hotel there. She got married on their pirate ship. yep... it was so much fun!
The wedding was on the 24th, and we came home on the 26th. BUT, the Friday before we left (the 18th), I cut my leg on my daughters bed frame trying to take a picture for the last challenge.. then that Sunday evening (the 20th) I strained my back picking up a clothes basket full of clean clothes that my sons window unit had leaked water all over. It must had been dripping for a week or two. All his clean clothes had to be re-washed so I carted them to the laundry room and when I picked up the basket I ended up hurting my low back irritating a disc which pinched my sciatica nerve in my left leg. By monday morning I couldn't hardly get out of bed (and I was leaving for vacation Tuesday afternoon!!) On top of that the AC in the living room was having issues with demon possession (it seemed) since it was spitting out water and ice about every 30 mins or so. (We've had alot of rain here too!)
Sooo... I end up in the chiropractors office Monday afternoon(the 21st), and another visit Tuesday(the 22nd) before we get on a plane to fly to Las Vegas around 4:30 that same day. To top that off.. he says "You can't pick anything up! so your husband will have to do it for you til your back heals" Guess who goes through airport security without me leaving me to have to pick up my luggage to put it on the inspection belt? The man behind me was kind enough to help me out.
Is there some kind of poltergeist that roams the earth looking for people to harass who are getting ready to go on vacation?
Hope you got out on vacation and are having fun now!
See, I told you would get up to speed. now, pat yourself on the back
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your quite the card in the morning...
As stated in the rules, (linked on the first post of this thread as well), under PHOTO ENTRIES - A Must Read!
3. Post Processing:As a digital photography challenge, there are no limits on post-processing, unless stated otherwise for a "special" challenge round.
Hope that helps.
That's an awesome link Aaron! Thanks
Using the tool I found this one
when all else fails read the directions
Very cool
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and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
It is here now.
found it .. thanks
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
Ha! kinda like "up side the head"?
That's always good to have happen!!!
In my case, usually the Idea is just right there so close and I just dont notice it...kinda like "if it were a snake it would've bit me!" harr harrr (Am I funny yet?)
"It's awesome to be ALIVE!"
"It's awesome to be ALIVE!"
I count 8 shot possibilities in two posts. That's pretty good!
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So.... I happen to be a stickler for grammar, punctuation, and the like... and the incorrect use of the word 'cliche' is starting to make me antsy. Basically because I'm a big dork. There. I said it. I'm a big dork.
I think that what we are aiming for are actually idioms. A cliche is something that has been overdone and isn't interesting anymore. For example, when I first saw the title for this new challenge, I was ready for some shots of puppydogs, flowers, and babies
Anyway, here are some links for the folks who want to get their learnin' on:
Anyway, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I held it in as long as I could!
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
6 of 1, half a dozen of the other
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Either way this is mostly the gist of what I was hoping to see.
"Show us your favorite phrase, expression or idea that is so well known we can see the overly used story without reading the title."
How it is titled whether correct or not is only important if no one understands what the goal is. So far everyone seems to be getting it.
In reality I am actually looking for either of the two, I wanted it to be wide open.
Thank you for the correction though
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
I just had to get it out of my system. I feel much better now
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
While I'm moping around the house in a mood to take pics and watching it just pour down rain, the shoot idea became so incredibly obvious--When it rains, it pours! My husband and I must have said that to each other a half-dozen times over those few days and it never dawned on me to use that! (Talk about a 'DUH' moment!!!) I talked it over with my daughter and she agreed to be my model since I said she could stand out in the rain to do it since it wasn't lightning. As soon as we had our idea panned out...... quit raining and it hasn't rained a drop since! Grrrrrrr!
We have a good chance of rain tomorrow, but we will be furiously packing to leave for vacation Friday morning and I probably won't have time to shoot (if it even does rain here) or edit & post anything if I do shoot it.
Just wanted to tell everyone that I'm enjoying the cliche's or er....idioms this week. I won't be around a computer with internet once I hit the road, so I won't be able to leave comments in the gallery.
What a shame! I hadn't even thought of that one!!
My SmugMug
Boy can I identify with what you have been going through! We went to Las Vegas on the 22nd of June to attend my daughters wedding at the Treasure Island hotel there. She got married on their pirate ship.
The wedding was on the 24th, and we came home on the 26th. BUT, the Friday before we left (the 18th), I cut my leg on my daughters bed frame trying to take a picture for the last challenge.. then that Sunday evening (the 20th) I strained my back picking up a clothes basket full of clean clothes that my sons window unit had leaked water all over. It must had been dripping for a week or two. All his clean clothes had to be re-washed so I carted them to the laundry room and when I picked up the basket I ended up hurting my low back irritating a disc which pinched my sciatica nerve in my left leg. By monday morning I couldn't hardly get out of bed (and I was leaving for vacation Tuesday afternoon!!) On top of that the AC in the living room was having issues with demon possession (it seemed) since it was spitting out water and ice about every 30 mins or so. (We've had alot of rain here too!)
Sooo... I end up in the chiropractors office Monday afternoon(the 21st), and another visit Tuesday(the 22nd) before we get on a plane to fly to Las Vegas around 4:30 that same day. To top that off.. he says "You can't pick anything up! so your husband will have to do it for you til your back heals" Guess who goes through airport security without me leaving me to have to pick up my luggage to put it on the inspection belt? The man behind me was kind enough to help me out.
Is there some kind of poltergeist that roams the earth looking for people to harass who are getting ready to go on vacation?
Hope you got out on vacation and are having fun now!
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
Only one DQ this round
View From - Not the .... (crayons). For incomplete EXIF info, specifically a date taken.
The gallery is acting a bit strange for me this morning so my attempts to move it out of the gallery have failed.