Unforgettable Himachal - part II
I spent 2 weeks in Himachal Pradesh - North West part of India, near Dharmasala, McCleod Gunj (yes where the Dalai Lama is exiled) and further up north in a small village called Naadi. We worked in different villages in Gagal, Mataur, Kangra with a local rural development organization called CORD (http://www.cordusa.org). On one such trip, we met with different women in the village to talk about education, work, AIDS awareness. The women in the village welcomed us with no reservations! They are quite proficient in micro banking and have a 95% loan payment history. The local banks and the villagers have a fantastic relationship, as they are quite confident of the women returning the loan amounts!
The backdrop to all of these villages is the towering Dauladhar Range of the Himalayas and the evenings light up with incredible orange and blue lights in the sky! The afternoon rains would dump fresh powder snow on the ridge line adding to the spectacular view.

The backdrop to all of these villages is the towering Dauladhar Range of the Himalayas and the evenings light up with incredible orange and blue lights in the sky! The afternoon rains would dump fresh powder snow on the ridge line adding to the spectacular view.

Pankaj Asundi
Haha - the lady did not know how to write, so she was asked to stamp using her finger print for depositing that week's money into the micro bank for loan to other women. She was the only one among 35 other women who did not know how to write, so we "encouraged" her to learn to write at least her name.