My Website...Bend The Light

I have created this website to show some of my photos, and possibly sell a few. It's currently on a trial basis, but I would pay if I think it looks ok. I ahve images on there, and I have been able to input diffeent prices for different sized prints, and so on.
Would you have a look, and tell me what you think? I think that some of the elements are able to be altered, fonts and so on - slideshow of images on the front page if i want that...what do people think?
I have created this website to show some of my photos, and possibly sell a few. It's currently on a trial basis, but I would pay if I think it looks ok. I ahve images on there, and I have been able to input diffeent prices for different sized prints, and so on.
Would you have a look, and tell me what you think? I think that some of the elements are able to be altered, fonts and so on - slideshow of images on the front page if i want that...what do people think?
For MUCH Less than $282 you could have a PRO SMUGMUG site ($149.95) and have pretty much full control of your site
as far as customizing, pricing and so on, also UNLIMITED storage for all your photos.......I have a hidden gallery where all of my finished
jpgs are stored, that is one of my image back ups.......I have 3 copies on hard drives.....but knowing that when my storage amount reaches
100tb or more that my cost for the site will not go up is really nice to Photium you have a 2k limit if you have the pro site......
I have unlimited storage, unlimited galleries and unlimited categories for those galleries to be placed in...................
.........sales would come thru Paypal from your current host with no commission...
well if you set up to sell thru Paypal or Google then SM would collect no commission, SM is supposedly trying to get
European lab and multi-currency figured out.....but until then just put in paypal buttons.................
nothing wrong with you site........but i got the feeling that Photium doesnot give you 100% freedom to customize any way you want
Also they really limit you on number of images........
Here is an info link for you to compare:
With a pro account I can upload I believe upto 24mb image files
no limit to number of files perday, week month,
Just no frickin limit..........................
What a GREAT review...very helpful. I will look at the things you mentioned and definitely action some of them. Glad you like the 3rd "girl with light"'s my daughter in a sensory room - it's my favourite photo of all at the moment.
The only thing I would add is that I'm not a fan of having all of your galleries listed on your homepage. What's more, you have a seperate link for just your galleries... why bother with that if they're all on your homepage already? I suggest removing the list of galleries from your homepage. If anyone wants to look at your galleries, they can just click on your Galleries link.
Also, if this is your business, I'd think about regestering your domain name so you can just use "" instead of having the .photium (or .smugmug if you switch) at the end. Looks much more professional.
976 Photography
I'll have a think about the galleries bit, yes. I see what you are saying.
As for the domain name, I've done that - I have:
Thanks for the feedback.