Help with Shadows
I recently took some presentation shots for our Scottish Rally website and local paper and when I returned home I noticed they all had shadows behind the subjects. I used a 40D with a 580 flash shooting manual F/8 1/100 and ISO 800 with AWB using a difuser.
I would appreciate if someone could tell me where I went wrong here for the future and also could I get rid of the shadows in CS4 or is that too big a job for someone like me.


I would appreciate if someone could tell me where I went wrong here for the future and also could I get rid of the shadows in CS4 or is that too big a job for someone like me.



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Thanks for that Dave. It was quite poor lighting and the ceiling was so high and was no good for bouncing the light.
That would have been very difficult indeed as it was a long presentation and was carried out on the stage with around 300 guests looking on. I and two other photographers were in the front at ground level. Did I have the correct settings and especially with the White Balance?
Unsharp at any Speed
Sounds like you were the official photographer. It would not have been out of line to talk to the presenters and ask if they could stand closer to the front of the stage or move the background back. Don't be obnoxious or anal, but try and control what you can.
Without the ability to bounce I might have tried a better bounce card and shoot aperture priority. Use a higher ISO and use the flash as a fill at a lower power to at least minimize any shadow.
Using flash at these types of events is not the easiest thing to do. I am trying actually get good at it myself. :-)
Yes I was one of the official photographers. I could have got them to stand nearer and away from the white back ground. I kept checking my shots and histogram and they looked fine. It was only when I returned home I noticed the shaddows. In actual fact I have always used manual when shooting indoors using the settings as outlined and without any problems. It was that damned white back ground that has thrown me. Anyhow Sam they have all appeared on the Scottish Rally website but in future I will remember the advice you have given me.
cheers, Scott
1) get a bracket..always keep the flash above the camera. shoot in landscape when you have wall behind your subject if you don't want a bracket
2) don't directly aim your flash at the subjects...bounce your flash off the ceiling and get bounce diffuser like GF sphere or dembit.
3) shoot away from walls
14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
85 and 50 1.4
45 PC and sb910 x2
Thanks Scott and Qarik very useful tips which I will certainly keep in mind when I am doing these type of shots again,
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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