Logo on the customer's print

Hi all,
Just a quickie - when printing a print for a customer, is there ever a need to put your logo ON the actual print? Or are the prints sent out with no distinguishing marks at all?
Just wondered - I am due to take some photos for a company who is supplying us with a vastly reduced piece of sensory equipment for our daughter in exchange for photos of someone actually using the equipment! As a manufacturer only, they don't normally get to see the end user using the gear, y'see?
But I was wondering if it was bad form to put my (c) on the images when they use them (in catalogues or on the net) so I might get extra business? Or do I ask that they put photo credit somewhere near the image that they use?
Just a quickie - when printing a print for a customer, is there ever a need to put your logo ON the actual print? Or are the prints sent out with no distinguishing marks at all?
Just wondered - I am due to take some photos for a company who is supplying us with a vastly reduced piece of sensory equipment for our daughter in exchange for photos of someone actually using the equipment! As a manufacturer only, they don't normally get to see the end user using the gear, y'see?
But I was wondering if it was bad form to put my (c) on the images when they use them (in catalogues or on the net) so I might get extra business? Or do I ask that they put photo credit somewhere near the image that they use?
Generally speaking I would say no, especially with commercial photography, but the real determining factor is what the customer says.
Commercial clients usually want the images to promote their business not yours. Normally, but dependent on your contact, you can use the images in your portfolio.
I would not under any circumstances place a copyright notice [©] on any image (print or download) sold to a customer.......my signature on the other hand is much different......if this is to promote the equipment in a brochure or other sales tool then put in the agreement that your name and contact info be put alongside the photos used.....no you don't see that with huge companies but hey they pay out the waaazoo to have those images produced...then again I have seen some fotune 500 companies give the photographer credit in Mag ads........doesn't hurt to ask.
also ......to make the copyright symbol [ © ]....just hold the alt key down and type 0169 and release alt key........just incase you ever need it again...............
I do hand sign my portraits and art prints (I did actually have one odd person who requested that I have my logo on his art print, go fig). I also give websized file copies to clients who purchase portraits (better than them trying to scan or take a camera phone picture so that they can share it with their friends and at least the file I give them has my logo and name on it).
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