#54...Can you guess?

"My sisters are a ______ ______ of me." Although not sure if that can be the title as it might be too much of a hint.
Please give me cc of this image as I have never done this type before.

EDIT: Lightened things up a bit for those carbon arms!
Please give me cc of this image as I have never done this type before.

EDIT: Lightened things up a bit for those carbon arms!

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Anyhow, its a cool picture. My one suggestion is that the arms on the white-clothed person seems a bit too dark (esp the right arm)... i'd lighten it up a tad bit.
I am not sure why the arms look really dark on the right of the image...other than I am really tan and that was the futhest from the light source. I noticed that one of the arms on the left me is dark also. I will see if dodging them will lighten things up.
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I like the image but agree about the dark skin tone
It is never to late to become what you might have been.
I was thinking carbon copy too.
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Same here!
Me, myself and I - carbon copy - birds of a feather flock together ... ? Love the idea and shot(s) though. As you've already discussed, the dark arms are a little distracting.
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EDIT: New edited version on the OP.
Wonderful picture.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus