"Be Social" needs to "Be Better"

I'm just starting to integrate my Smugmug site with my Twitter account. Meaning, uploading photos/videos from my iPhone 4 to my Smugmug site then making quick posts to Twitter with the included links. I must say, this is a bad implementation to carry out these tasks. It seems like this feature was built for the desktop & not mobility, which is where the vast majority of users do there "Tweets" from.
Lets say I wanna do somethings simple like snap a picture with my iPhone & then show it on my Twitter feed. OK, easy enough task. I see the people I'm following post pics from Flickr, TwitPic, etc all the time on the go. Let's look at what's involved if I'm using Smugmug as my host.
First, I'll need to upload that pic. I'll use the Smugmug-branded SmugShot. OK, its done. Now, where's the link? Its not there, anywhere. Neither is any of my other albums/photos that I've got online. Kind of a bummer, but that OK I guess. So lets go to my site in the browser. I get there & it defaults to the "iPhone friendly" version of my site. Make my way to the photo I just uploaded & guess what? No way to get that link from the mobile version. :wxwax
Go back to the start page & choose to view the non-mobile version of my site. OK, its not easy & is harder to navigate on the iPhone, but I manage to go all the way back through to find the photo I uploaded & finally get there. Choosing the Share>Be Social option makes me then authorize my Twitter account (each time I do this BTW). Finally get that done & now Im ready to finally Tweet this here photo. Aaaand it just sorta hangs there & wont let me type anything. Super, fantastic. So its frozen now & I finally give up, defeated. Even if it didnt freeze & actually posted to Twitter after that marathon, it retains the original long URL (instead of using a shortener). Jesus.
So does this sound like any kind of way to get this seemingly simple request done? Honestly, guys. I dont understand why you cant build this feature into the mobile apps instead of forcing users to use that full web interface. Like I said, most people do this sorta stuff on the go, not from sitting at their desks at home. Flickr even has their own URL shortener for this very thing (flic.kr).
And you may say "well, just use another photo service for your Twitter photos". No one wants to do that. Why do I wanna have my photos scattered all over a bunch of different hosts when I have a perfectly capable Smugmug Pro account that looks better than all of them??
Lets say I wanna do somethings simple like snap a picture with my iPhone & then show it on my Twitter feed. OK, easy enough task. I see the people I'm following post pics from Flickr, TwitPic, etc all the time on the go. Let's look at what's involved if I'm using Smugmug as my host.
First, I'll need to upload that pic. I'll use the Smugmug-branded SmugShot. OK, its done. Now, where's the link? Its not there, anywhere. Neither is any of my other albums/photos that I've got online. Kind of a bummer, but that OK I guess. So lets go to my site in the browser. I get there & it defaults to the "iPhone friendly" version of my site. Make my way to the photo I just uploaded & guess what? No way to get that link from the mobile version. :wxwax
Go back to the start page & choose to view the non-mobile version of my site. OK, its not easy & is harder to navigate on the iPhone, but I manage to go all the way back through to find the photo I uploaded & finally get there. Choosing the Share>Be Social option makes me then authorize my Twitter account (each time I do this BTW). Finally get that done & now Im ready to finally Tweet this here photo. Aaaand it just sorta hangs there & wont let me type anything. Super, fantastic. So its frozen now & I finally give up, defeated. Even if it didnt freeze & actually posted to Twitter after that marathon, it retains the original long URL (instead of using a shortener). Jesus.
So does this sound like any kind of way to get this seemingly simple request done? Honestly, guys. I dont understand why you cant build this feature into the mobile apps instead of forcing users to use that full web interface. Like I said, most people do this sorta stuff on the go, not from sitting at their desks at home. Flickr even has their own URL shortener for this very thing (flic.kr).
And you may say "well, just use another photo service for your Twitter photos". No one wants to do that. Why do I wanna have my photos scattered all over a bunch of different hosts when I have a perfectly capable Smugmug Pro account that looks better than all of them??
Yes, I agree with you that the be social features are currently geared towards desktop use.
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