How many actuations and how old? When you seviced by Nikon do you mean Nikon NAS and clean and check or was there another problem? Just looking for some more details. Thanks.
How many actuations and how old? When you seviced by Nikon do you mean Nikon NAS and clean and check or was there another problem? Just looking for some more details. Thanks.
Not sure how to check for accutations, honestly. any pointers in that direction and I can do it. I had bought this used, so I don't know how old (will serial numbers show that?). But since I knew it had never been serviced, I had NPS do that after I got it, just because it seemed like a smart thing to do.
Not sure how to check for accutations, honestly. any pointers in that direction and I can do it.
If you can point us to one of the last a non-PP shots, it needs the EXIF data, we can inform you... or you can DL and install Opanda IExif to retrive this data yourself.
If you can point us to one of the last a non-PP shots, it needs the EXIF data, we can inform you... or you can DL and install Opanda IExif to retrive this data yourself.
Good luck with your sale...
nevermind, got it! 31,065 count. Nikon rates the D300 (note, not the D300s, I double checked ) to 150,000
Front of the D300:
Backside of the D300:
Accessories sold w/ the D300:
Straps included w/ the D300:
Corner blemish on D300 body:
Scratches on the top of the hot shoe (with hot shoe protector in):
How many actuations and how old? When you seviced by Nikon do you mean Nikon NAS and clean and check or was there another problem? Just looking for some more details. Thanks.
Not sure how to check for accutations, honestly. any pointers in that direction and I can do it. I had bought this used, so I don't know how old (will serial numbers show that?). But since I knew it had never been serviced, I had NPS do that after I got it, just because it seemed like a smart thing to do.
Good luck with your sale...
nevermind, got it! 31,065 count. Nikon rates the D300 (note, not the D300s, I double checked
Nope, I jumped back to avoid a horse and when twisting out of the way, it scrapped against the cement barn wall
I DID get the shutter count, finally. 31,065. Nikon rates it to 150,000.
battery grip sold as well. Adjustments made to original post