DSS 54 - Cliche

So my models were not cooperating, but somehow we muddled through.
#1 Faster Than Glacial

#2 By a Whisker

#3 Going Postal

#4 Going Postal Again

Reshoots are possible. I have not released my models yet.
In preparing for this challenge, I have been reading up on the care and feeding of snails. There are actually people that keep them as pets. There are some people who race them. They can live up to 30 years in captivity. Some African land species can get up to 2 pounds. There are sea snails that can weigh up to 40 pounds. All land snails are hermaphrodites. They have both eggs and sperm and exchange sperm. Some of them can self fertilize. My models are garden snails (Cepaea nemoralis).
#1 Faster Than Glacial

#2 By a Whisker

#3 Going Postal

#4 Going Postal Again

Reshoots are possible. I have not released my models yet.
In preparing for this challenge, I have been reading up on the care and feeding of snails. There are actually people that keep them as pets. There are some people who race them. They can live up to 30 years in captivity. Some African land species can get up to 2 pounds. There are sea snails that can weigh up to 40 pounds. All land snails are hermaphrodites. They have both eggs and sperm and exchange sperm. Some of them can self fertilize. My models are garden snails (Cepaea nemoralis).
Really think this tops in creativity and use of available models!!
It is never to late to become what you might have been.
somehow the stray rays of light in #3 pull my eye away from the snail (by the way, snails freak me out whenever i encounter them in real life)
- Diana
Wonderful ideas and fab use of your models. I don't think you are quite there yet, but you will get there.
Re titles, I like the first and "going postal" the best.
All I can say is WOW. So talented you are!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
I had another session this morning and will try again this afternoon. My models are now resting peacefully in their temporary home.
oldtown_dreamer and kdotaylor, I have come to appreciate snails. They are really gentle and they never complain. They move much faster than I expected. By the time I get the 3rd one in position, I have to reposition the 1st. And it is difficult to convince them that they need to head TOWARD the finish line. In my morning session, one of the cats got interested in them. I had to chase her off.
Virgina, thanks for the encouragement! I also feel that I still have some work to do.
So what do you think? Are these better?
Don't like your ps vignettes on the last ones... too fakey.
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
Thanks for the feedback. I wasn't sure how it would be received.
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oh, is snail racing more fun than watching paint dry???
I had another session this morning with the Postal concept.
I also had another Glacial session this morning. I'll get those up in a bit.
It is never to late to become what you might have been.
#12 for me too.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Thanks for the comment!
I first saw my models while I was walking the dog. When I went back later, I couldn't find them. So I did some research on where and when to look. Early morning is best. And after a rain. They like damp weather. So if you live in a dry climate, you may be out of luck. They will estivate (like hibernation) during dry seasons.
Thanks, Virginia! He looks like he's reading in that one.
The detail is great and I love the shadow!
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your subjects are cuter looking than the ones in my garden, their shells are much more colorful. (mine, well, i really can't describe them in detail, since i tend to give a high pitched squeel and then bolt as fast as possible as soon as i see one)
is one of them trying to get err... intimate... with another one in #16? or is it just trying to run it out of the road?
- Diana
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Not intimate. Just hyperfocused ongoing where he wants to.
Take a picture of one of yours before you bolt. They are really quite harmless.