Lightroom and Smugmug keywords...

Currently I'm using the new V3 of Lightroom. On import, I add a number of keywords to the images. I thought I read somewhere that Smugmug saw those keywords but apparently not. I import my photos but the keywords don't come through, so I then have to add them manually using the keywording tool. Is there a fix or trick to get this to work so it sees the Lightroom keywords?
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No, I'm not using friedl's plugin. With V3, from what I gather, it's a publish utility now. You can't just export (unless I am misunderstanding it). I wish it was still an export tool like it was in V2.x.
But you know what? I think I do have minimize metadata checked (I'm not at my PC right now). That's probably it.
Thanks Andy!
Just a follow up on this. When I unchecked minimize metadata, and uploaded to smugmug, it did embed the keywords for me from Lightroom. Thanks!
Also I have one last question, and a suggestion.
Question: It appears to insert the keywords, but caption is left blank. Is there a way to insert values into the caption fields from Lightroom to Smugmug automatically, like keywords?
Suggestion: It would be great to be able to populate the keyword and caption fields at the Gallery setting screen. What if we added a keyword and caption field right there with the rest of the gallery settings. And you could enter keywords and caption right there and it would apply to all images added to that gallery. That would be wonderful. Think about it.
Sure, I've been doing it for years.
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Right, and I use it all the time. But it's an extra step. I guess it's sort of a moot point now that I know how to do it via Lightoom. But I would still like to minimize my metadata for my JPGs. So I was thiking maybe in Gallery settings, we could have 2 new fields. Bulk Keywords and Bulk Captions. Then we could add common keywords and captions in one quick step while we're there. We could even save those keywords and captions in a quick setting! This way the metadata is still limited and keywords and captions are still populated without having to do the multi-step procedure in our current keyword tool. Just a thought.
Thanks again.