Smugmug public keyword update slowness

(I've opened a support item on this, but just to see whether others are facing this issue).
I'm having an issue where keywords for pictures in a gallery that was recently listed are taking forever to update. The gallery was previously private, and keyword searches while logged in work as expected. Once made public, the public keyword indexes seem to not update -- or to update very slowly.
To give an idea of how slowly, well, this search:
should return 3120 pictures. It currently lists 18, and a few hours ago it listed just 4.
This had never been an issue before; it seems to have regressed, but I'm not sure if it regressed two weeks ago or less.
I'm having an issue where keywords for pictures in a gallery that was recently listed are taking forever to update. The gallery was previously private, and keyword searches while logged in work as expected. Once made public, the public keyword indexes seem to not update -- or to update very slowly.
To give an idea of how slowly, well, this search:
should return 3120 pictures. It currently lists 18, and a few hours ago it listed just 4.
This had never been an issue before; it seems to have regressed, but I'm not sure if it regressed two weeks ago or less.
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Right, but I'm confused as to what's actually happening. If I look at my pictures in my gallery they are all listed as happily indexed; i.e. there is no "indexing:" string in the keywords section. However, if I'm logged out, searches return partial results, which is a major problem for my customer workflow.
Do you have two separate indexes, one public and one private? Is there something wrong with the lag in updating one versus the other when a gallery is made public?
I reiterate this has never been an issue before, so I'm sure something's either changed or wrong -- I'm just not sure what.
After about 10h, there are still only a handful of pictures indexed; 45 out of 3120. Are you sure there's nothing wrong with this gallery or the keyword update mechanism?
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Thanks Andy. I appreciate the attention you've given; I have spent years of my life also running large public-facing websites and I know how challenging it is to keep a system running both fast and reliably. I am just frustrated because we've run into this roadblock and I've not seen any concrete confirmation of an issue from Smugmug apart from your message above. I hate to say that because I was the one advocating Smugmug to our team.
I am happy to change my workflow or do additional work on our end to make things easier and faster for you; I just don't know what that change could be.
Any update?
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Thanks, that's fantastic and I've announced the gallery is open again. Would you be able to give me a summary of what the issue was, and whether or not I need to change my workflow or otherwise worry about my next event, which happens Sunday the 11th.
Thanks again!
and logged out, there's exactly 1 image which doesn't appear. If I'm logged out, the page lists 3119 pictures. If I'm logged in, it lists 3120.