"A photo is like a hamburger. You can get one from McDonalds for $1, one from Chili's for $5, or one from Ruth's Chris for $15. You usually get what you pay for, but don't expect a Ruth's Chris burger at a McDonalds price, if you want that, go cook it yourself." - me
My friend letting his eMOTION getting the best of him
Spain. Shore break!!
this is a great action shot, surf. it shows the ability to freeze the action rather than emphasize the action. i like the shot for what it is, but to me it doesn't convey movement in a still image.
boy i do like this shot. you froze him in mid-air, very cool. but it doesn't show the movement to me. i also like the classic composition, and the use of empty space (the beach) is great.
main, i would have liked to see the fish a bit less blurred... it's very abstract this way, which i think would work if the blown area wasn't distracting me. i applaud your creativity on this shot, for sure
I'll have to go with this one, captures the movement the best out of all of mine. The rest from my weekend are here: http://dugmar.smugmug.com/Sports/23480
This one is simply titled "Racer"
there *is* some slight movement in the wheels but otherwise this comes off as a frozen shot - to be applauded as a fine action shot...
Saturday morning at Grand Central (a last-minute trip to NYC for me)
great application of technique but for me the shot is too underexposed to have an impact. i have shot 1000s of shots in gct and it's a great venue for movement. thanks for warming my heart with this shot
I am finding this challenge very... challenging. So far this is my personal best out of at least 200 movement shots. So here goes nothing.
Title: Yesterdays Snow
you've caught the movement here in the water, for sure. i am even ok with the high-key nature of the shot and the blue toning... i think to make it a fantastic shot there needs to be some more interest... a bonus feature .. for the veiwer. nice job. -- andy
Alright, you guys'll have to look for the motion, but it's there! I've taken to calling the bees that come to "The Watering Hole" "the girls", and some of the girls are caught here mid-flight. Can you see which ones?
Oh yeah, forgot to add that, not only did I go about this whole submission thing wrong, but I did nothing more than resize the photo. <shrug>
a fun image and yes, i can see some of them "moving" .. i think this image lacks some contrast, some "punch" if you will. it's quite nice but was not as good as the other finalists. keep up the good work!
Finally ready with a submission. The EXIF data is stripped but clicking on the image will pull up an unmodified jpeg with the EXIF still in place.
photoshop fun - and i do like that - this image, i wasn't sure if they were moon-men or not... and subject to my left almost looks like giving the finger anyhow, i applaud the effort but this was just too abstract i think...
either level it off or go more at an angle.... but the little bit of off-angle distracted, rather than added, for me. composition was too central for me, too.
a fun shot, great expression the pic suffers from central and "straight-on" composition though... get off to 45 degrees behind the batter next time ... the ball could be more blurred, too. a good effort though!
boy do i enjoy your street work, gubby! this shot could be improved by a tiny bit faster shutter, the people are just a bit too blurred imo. also it's a bit u.e. imo. a fun scene though, and perfect for the theme. keep at it, train stations are great spots for movement!
hi brian - amusement parks are great places for movement! i'd like to see more here. more movement, and more of the scene, which would also open up more composition alternatives. well exposed.
Well I wanted to give this one a shot. Haven't had much time lately but I am hoping to get back out and shooting more photos all the time again soon (specially being as I just started dating a photographer and if things keep going good I'm sure we will both be shooting all the time). So here is my entry. Taken at 1am after 5 red bull's and a few shots of yager but I still like it anyways lol. Oh and surprising 15 drunk 20 some year olds at 1 am with a bright flash bulb isn't a good idea in case you ever find yourself in that situation. I'll save that photo for another day though.
The Dance.
maybe if you'd had one less jagermeister shot you would have included a teenager or two in the shot - which imo would have improved this immensely. a good effort though, fire is hard to shoot well. keep it up.
a fine effort - love the expression and the movment. it's a bit frozen for, me, but i did see the foot movement. also, the shot could use some breathing room at the bottom.
ginette, this is very cool, good movement in an abstract-y way. i think i'd like a wider scene if you aren't going to include part of the train that's recognizable. good effort!
this is a great action shot, surf. it shows the ability to freeze the action rather than emphasize the action. i like the shot for what it is, but to me it doesn't convey movement in a still image.
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boy i do like this shot. you froze him in mid-air, very cool. but it doesn't show the movement to me. i also like the classic composition, and the use of empty space (the beach) is great.
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just edged out, lynne
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main, i would have liked to see the fish a bit less blurred... it's very abstract this way, which i think would work if the blown area wasn't distracting me. i applaud your creativity on this shot, for sure
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there *is* some slight movement in the wheels but otherwise this comes off as a frozen shot - to be applauded as a fine action shot...
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great application of technique but for me the shot is too underexposed to have an impact. i have shot 1000s of shots in gct and it's a great venue for movement. thanks for warming my heart with this shot
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you've caught the movement here in the water, for sure. i am even ok with the high-key nature of the shot and the blue toning... i think to make it a fantastic shot there needs to be some more interest... a bonus feature .. for the veiwer. nice job. -- andy
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a fun image and yes, i can see some of them "moving" .. i think this image lacks some contrast, some "punch" if you will. it's quite nice but was not as good as the other finalists. keep up the good work!
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photoshop fun - and i do like that - this image, i wasn't sure if they were moon-men or not... and subject to my left almost looks like giving the finger
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perfect for an advertisement - and i mean that - but it doesn't convey "movement" to me ... a fine stop action shot though!
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either level it off or go more at an angle.... but the little bit of off-angle distracted, rather than added, for me. composition was too central for me, too.
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a fun shot, great expression
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i see movement... this shot got edged out by the other finalists. well done.
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boy do i enjoy your street work, gubby! this shot could be improved by a tiny bit faster shutter, the people are just a bit too blurred imo. also it's a bit u.e. imo. a fun scene though, and perfect for the theme. keep at it, train stations are great spots for movement!
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hi brian - amusement parks are great places for movement! i'd like to see more here. more movement, and more of the scene, which would also open up more composition alternatives. well exposed.
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maybe if you'd had one less jagermeister shot
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good compo, can see the movement here. edged out by the finalists.
your pic is hosted on dkapp's website... are you related
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they *are* sceeery and you did a good job of conveying that.... this shot juuuust got edged out. great work, keep it up!
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a fine effort - love the expression and the movment. it's a bit frozen for, me, but i did see the foot movement. also, the shot could use some breathing room at the bottom.
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ginette, this is very cool, good movement in an abstract-y way. i think i'd like a wider scene if you aren't going to include part of the train that's recognizable. good effort!
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a fun, abstract-y take on the theme. just edged out by the other finalists. keep up the good work!
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