New glamour/boudoir site - feedback please!

iClick new site link (contains NSFW content)
Will be releasing this soon. We still have to update a couple of the images in the Team section (new one for me and get Erin's uploaded without the watermark) and once SlideShow Pro releases the mobile add-on, our slideshow will work on mobile devices that don't allow flash.
The images will be updated as well, will likely review the banner images again and we will update more of our glam/boudoir work.
Other than that, the site is ready to release this week. Soon-to-come added features will be an intro video (images with fun text, session clips, etc) and some additional videos talking about how we do our beauty, fun session clips and client interviews. We will add images of our popular products as well.
Our target market is mostly women, either young women looking for a gift for their boyfriend, husband or soon-to-be husband - or that mother of 3 that wants to glam it up for her husband, and herself. Our fine art is in need of an upgrade and we hope to expand that into other areas as well. We're excited in getting pin-up parties started and we have some marketing ideas for later this year and next spring to really get that going.
It's a big advancement from our current site (iClick current site) and we're looking forward to hearing what some of you think!
Will be releasing this soon. We still have to update a couple of the images in the Team section (new one for me and get Erin's uploaded without the watermark) and once SlideShow Pro releases the mobile add-on, our slideshow will work on mobile devices that don't allow flash.
The images will be updated as well, will likely review the banner images again and we will update more of our glam/boudoir work.
Other than that, the site is ready to release this week. Soon-to-come added features will be an intro video (images with fun text, session clips, etc) and some additional videos talking about how we do our beauty, fun session clips and client interviews. We will add images of our popular products as well.
Our target market is mostly women, either young women looking for a gift for their boyfriend, husband or soon-to-be husband - or that mother of 3 that wants to glam it up for her husband, and herself. Our fine art is in need of an upgrade and we hope to expand that into other areas as well. We're excited in getting pin-up parties started and we have some marketing ideas for later this year and next spring to really get that going.
It's a big advancement from our current site (iClick current site) and we're looking forward to hearing what some of you think!
I don't like how it never goes away. No matter what you click on the slideshow is always there. The problem with this is everything is underneath it, all of your info. And your menus are above it. The first time I went I clicked on a menu and I couldn't see that anything had changed because I couldn't see anything beneath the slideshow. I had to scroll down to finally see that the link had worked.
Also, I don't like the slideshow for the individual galleries. You already have a slideshow (on every page) so when I go to your galleries, I don't want to see ANOTHER slideshow. I want thumbnails I can browse through and view pics at my own pace.
Those are my biggest issues with your site, someone else can add their 2 cents.
976 Photography