Selling wallpaper?

I was thinking of making some Windows wallpaper (desktop background) packs and selling them for a small price ($5?). Do you think people will really pay to download a pack of wallpaper, especially when there's tons of sites with free wallpaper downloads??
Thank you
Thank you

Neal Jacob
Neal Jacob
Neal Jacob
In the end, I just didn't continue either. I quickly realized that I just didn't have the memory to get a monthly calendar wallpaper done on time each month and I haven't heard a peep since the free wallpaper gallery was taken out of public view on my website. In other words, neither idea really lived up to expectations but I don't blame the idea themselves, I just don't think my website gets enough traffic/following yet for either of those ideas to really pay dividends.
If you've got decent traffic and a good following, you may be able to make a few dollars. Especially considering that you could put a wallpaper pack together in an hour or two and have it for sale from now through the end of time if you liked. The risk/reward ratio greatly favors the reward, if it's a bust, you only really lost 2 hours.
Trey Radcliff over at Stuck in Customs offers iPad/iPhone wallpapers for a small charge.
And David duChemin over at Pixelated Image offers the monthly calendar wallpapers I fashioned my own after (for their brief run).
Just some general thoughts on the subject. Hope something in my ramblings helps!
SmugMug QA
My Photos
I don't have a huge following and I'm certainly not Trey.
I originally thought I would make the wallpaper available on a "set your own price" basis. If I had the files on my server and a "PayPal Donate" button to allow the download to occur, but I would have to set a minimum of $5 because any less would be counter productive (because of PayPal fees, etc...).
e-junkie is a possible solution. e-junkie will create one time use download links. Once the link is used, then it's not available again. e-junkie is (a minimum of) $5/month. So, I would have to sell at least two downloads per month just to make a profit.
Yeah, ** I ** wouldn't pay for wallpapers either, especially since there are so many free wallpaper sites. I just thought this would be a good way to make some extra $$. If I paid money for the wallpapers, then I wouldn't expect there to be a watermark. If I made them available for free, then I would watermark them.
Neal Jacob
I think you should do it, I don't know how many sites you surf but people actually buy lots of these downloads. The one time use is what I am seeing on these other sites so I think that is the way to go and let them pay the small fee each time they want to change, I don't think a pack is cost effective as you want them to come back to you more often and once they get one they are apt to go to the same place for the next. Good luck