Image-Processing Services
I'm either getting older or slower or both but the bottom line is I can't seem to get everything completed anymore. Is there anyone that can recommend a really good Image-Processing Services that can also do Wedding album design and Book print at a reasonable cost? I know " reasonable" is a relative term. I know Smugmug offers different company that can do a slice of what I need but I'm not aware of anyone that can do it all. I did read a post about PixelChicks. Does anyone have any experience with them?
Run, don't walk to Happy Fish Designs. Karen is ** THE BEST ** You can tell her that Neal Jacob sent you (no, I don't get anything for referring you other than a "thank you" from Karen).
Neal Jacob
They don't print the book because they are not an album company. You just need to tell them what kind of album you wish. You need to pay for the album through the album company or coordinate that with Karen.
You won't be disappointed. Karen does an excellent job.
Neal Jacob
Where did you read about Pixel Chicks??......I ran a google and that is an extremely popular name for all sorts of business by females...but I found none doing post processing.....
Looked over the Happy fish site and sent them an inquiry.....Naming Neal Jacobs as the culprit that is handing out the name of the site :-}}
Well, Karen will probably charge you more if you give her my name.
BTW... There's no "s" on the end of "Jacob". There's just one of me!
(which is a very good thing)
Neal Jacob
Use this link:
Sorry about adding the "S".........................Karen has been very nice with all my questions... :-]
That is why you're here to keep us from having to clck and google and clik and clik
No problem. I get it all the time.
Karen did drop me a note about all the inquiries over the past 24 hours.
Neal Jacob
instead he called ... then we talked about monitors, shooting raw vs jpg only and a few other things until he noticed it was time to get to the school and pick up his daughter from her 1st day in the 1st grade......
Have not actually seen any files from them.....but I am impressed with their customer service.......he comes from a film shooting and wet darkroom background just like many of we spent a few minutes talking nostalgia also.....
If you shoot so much that yoo would like to outsource some of your portraits and or weddings it might be worth your while to contact ....I was ready to send my work to Photographers edit but they won;t do portraits or really small that was a put off for me and i was knocked over that HappyFish had a price for 1 image..........
Thanks Neal for the hook up to Happy Fish (Karen and Chad)
Chad and Karen are great people!
Chad has saved my bacon many times.
Please post again after you get your order back from Happy Fish.
Neal Jacob
That said, you might check out in the future if you need just a few images processed. Might fit the bill!