
Choquequirao - Peru

BojanglesBojangles Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
edited August 31, 2010 in Journeys
This past March I took a trip with my school to Peru. Our goal? Hike 60 miles to Choquequirao, a "sister" site to Machu Picchu, and back. We started out with a few days in the city of Cusco and had so much fun being immersed in the culture and interacting with the locals; some of us even dared to try the traditional dish of "cuy", or guinea pig!

Here are a few from Cusco:





After a few days in Cusco, we started on our 5-day trek to Choquequirao. It was the most physically challenging experience of my life because of the combination of high altitude and the overall difficulty of the hike. Getting to Choquequirao was definitely worth it though.

Here are some pictures from the hike:








I hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you think(:


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    InsuredDisasterInsuredDisaster Registered Users Posts: 1,132 Major grins
    edited August 30, 2010
    cool! I really like the dog shot.
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    red_zonered_zone Registered Users Posts: 533 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2010
    nice! I'm really jealous. When you said you had to hike 60 miles to see the ruins, I was a little surprised the grounds were in such great shape... I'd hate to be the guy that had to hike 60 miles with the lawnmower and the tank of gas! Do you have any wide angle shots that show some more of the surrounding mountains?
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