Facebook integration needs a bunch of enhancements
After using (or trying to use) the Smugmug Facebook integration, I am finding it in serious need of a bunch of enhancements.
1) The "Be Social" interface doesn't allow me to use a shortcut link (I use bit.ly) that lets me track click-throughs. It only puts in the very long Smugmug link.
2) The "Be Social" interface doesn't have a way to link to a gallery, only to the lightbox view of a single photo. I nearly always want to pick a representative thumb and then link to a gallery, not to a single photo. The way it ends up now, it just looks amateurish.
3) The "Be Social" interface copies the long Smugmug link onto the end of my Facebook post (without showing that in the preview). So, if I include a bit.ly link in my post, I then end up with three versions of the link (the bit.ly version, the one that Smugmug copied onto the end of my post and the one that Facebook puts above my thumbnail). That's all quite messy. Only one or two are required. I don't want Smugmug to copy the link onto the end of the post.
4) The "Be Social" interface should give you a preview of what it's going to look like on FB.
5) My preference would be to type my posts directly into FB (and then I wouldn't need any of these "Be Social" improvements) but, when I type a gallery link or a photo link into FB, I don't get any choice of thumbnails. I'd really like Smugmug to serve up the right data to FB so that when they go looking for thumbnails, they find lots of them so I can pick which thumbnail I want. I presume this is because you're serving FB the ajax version of the page that has no actual thumbs in it (until the JS runs) rather than a version of the page that has images in it (like you serve search engines). Please fix this and let us use FB directly to link to galleries.
6) Why duplicate the gallery title above the thumbnail? It only needs to be there once. If there's no gallery description, then just leave it blank rather than duplicating the gallery name again.
To summarize, here's a screenshot of a recent "Be Social" posting from my facebook page where you can see how amateurish it all looks and how many ways it could be improved.
1) The "Be Social" interface doesn't allow me to use a shortcut link (I use bit.ly) that lets me track click-throughs. It only puts in the very long Smugmug link.
2) The "Be Social" interface doesn't have a way to link to a gallery, only to the lightbox view of a single photo. I nearly always want to pick a representative thumb and then link to a gallery, not to a single photo. The way it ends up now, it just looks amateurish.
3) The "Be Social" interface copies the long Smugmug link onto the end of my Facebook post (without showing that in the preview). So, if I include a bit.ly link in my post, I then end up with three versions of the link (the bit.ly version, the one that Smugmug copied onto the end of my post and the one that Facebook puts above my thumbnail). That's all quite messy. Only one or two are required. I don't want Smugmug to copy the link onto the end of the post.
4) The "Be Social" interface should give you a preview of what it's going to look like on FB.
5) My preference would be to type my posts directly into FB (and then I wouldn't need any of these "Be Social" improvements) but, when I type a gallery link or a photo link into FB, I don't get any choice of thumbnails. I'd really like Smugmug to serve up the right data to FB so that when they go looking for thumbnails, they find lots of them so I can pick which thumbnail I want. I presume this is because you're serving FB the ajax version of the page that has no actual thumbs in it (until the JS runs) rather than a version of the page that has images in it (like you serve search engines). Please fix this and let us use FB directly to link to galleries.
6) Why duplicate the gallery title above the thumbnail? It only needs to be there once. If there's no gallery description, then just leave it blank rather than duplicating the gallery name again.
To summarize, here's a screenshot of a recent "Be Social" posting from my facebook page where you can see how amateurish it all looks and how many ways it could be improved.

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+1! Agreed ... the current implementation is very weak.
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Having our feature requests all in one place is a great way for us to track them. I sure hope you'll add it there, as well. Thank you.
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FYI, I don't monitor or discuss on uservoice.
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Thanks! Others will really see your request, and we have it logged now. You'll get updates as we change things on the request.
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That's really what I'm interested in doing 90% of the time I post a link on FB.
I basically posted this same exact request about "Be Social" stinking just a few days ago here. The Uservoice link is in that thread as well. My request was more about mobility, but had the same quabbles as above (URL shortening, overall integration sucking, etc)
Im just saying, if we're telling everyone to just go to Uservoice, then there ought to be some kind of order or else its gonna just be a big mess.
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Added my vote. I must also add my dislike for uservoice, especially the lack of structure.
When you type in the search box you get a list of relevant suggestions... is that not working for you?
We merge and update often there. In fact we just did it yesterday, too.
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Thanks for raising this thread, John-- I have had all of the same beefs, and think I've mentioned them here & there (including somehow on UserVoice), but you've described the problems much better than I could, and the screen-shots make it clear what the problems are. I'll look for these on UserVoice & add votes.
I have a related question about SmugMug-Facebook integration. I'm sure the answer is "no", but I'll post it here anyway in case anyone has come up with better solutions than I have: I caption many of my photos, esp. family ones. I post some of the same photos on Facebook (in actual Facebook albums, not just a "Be Social" link). I have to manually copy & paste captions from one site to the other. The fastest way I can find to do this is: open 2 pages, open "edit photos" on FB & "captions & keywords" on Smug. Then copy & paste where I see matching photos. It's slow & aggravating. Any better ideas? (as a side-note, captions don't show up from metadata on FB. And for me, the wrong ones show up in Smug-- Smug uses the description field for captions, which is also a real pain)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
The real home run would be if someone (at Smugmug) could figure out a way for our photos to live on Smugmug, but have all the same features as photos that are uploaded to FB. It's so much easier for someone on FB to quickly view a set of photos in FB that to go to the whole new context of Smugmug. Yes, I know Smugmug offers a better viewing experience than the little, non-color-managed photos of FB, but sometimes you want convenience more than beauty. The homerun would be a way to have both - convenience of photos being quick and in context in FB, but a click away to the full gallery in Smugmug with only one upload and only the SM galleries that I specify. The Grand Prize goes to anyone at Smugmug that figures out how to do that.
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Why 'for me'? How do you caption your photos?
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Andy, I caption them in the title field if I've processed them for stock. 99% of the time, in the stock industry, the title field is what's used for the caption, which only makes sense. The description field is just what it says it is... a description! That's typically a longer explanation, not a simple caption/title. I can give you a ton of examples. But we've been through this before. The point is not that SmugMug has to do it like the stock industry or anyone else, but it sure would be fantastic to have a choice. It doesn't make sense to me that the longer field, in which you can get very descriptive, would be the one to end up as my caption, & then my caption (title) is unable to show up here. Just wish I had the choice, because only those that I've processed for stock already have a caption anyway, yet I still have to re-write it once it appears here on Smug.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
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Workaround Idea #1) Lock the gallery to the old All Thumbs style before posting a link in FB. That will cause Smugmug to put the image thumbs directly into the page and FB should find them and offer them as a choice when I try to post a link to a Smugmug gallery in FB. If it works, I can put the Smugmug gallery back to viewer controlled style when done with the FB post.
Result #1) No luck. FB won't even grab the thumbnails from the old All Thumbs style. Further, FB picks up the top level site meta data, not anything useful related to the gallery itself as the description for the FB posting. FB really, really, really doesn't like Smumug pages. This idea doesn't even come close to working.
Workaround Idea #2) Try posting a link in FB directly to the single image lightbox page. That's essentially what Smugmug does now in their FB integration and hopefully that will at least give one image to choose from as a thumbnail.
Result #2) No luck. FB won't offer any thumbnails off that link. Ahhh, yes probably doesn't work because the LB page is JS generated, not pure HTML.
Workaround #3) Try posting a link in FB to a specific size of the lightbox page to avoid the JS generated auto size (e.g. -XL).
Result #3) No luck. FB won't offer any thumbnails off that link.
At this point I'm just hosed. There appears to be no way where I can control the contents of the FB posting and get a nice Link box in FB with a link to my gallery and an appropriate thumbnail.
So, my two choices are: #1) Accept the ugly format that Smugmug generates from their FB integration with no trackable short links or #2) Control the format myself, but get no FB link box with thumbnail. If I want to control the look and link, I can't even have a thumbnail for a link to a photo gallery of all things. This is pretty hosed.
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Thanks again for the detailed posting.
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Yup - I just want to say this has our attention, and we're looking hard at it. Thanks again, John!
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Thanks! While adding the first feature would eliminate the need for the third feature (at least for the use-case specified), these seem like three pretty distinct requests to me, actually.
SmugMug Support Hero
The second link is about the redundant and ugly full smugmug link that is automatically put into the FB posting by Smugmug which is exactly what my request 3) is about.
The third link is a different request, but I thought should be considered by the developer at the same time since solving my item 5) would also allow one to put Smugmug links in fan pages too. And, just because Smugmug enables us power users to use the FB interface for linking to Smugmug's galleries doesn't mean that Smugmug should get rid of or stop enhancing it's own Share interface either. You should support both means of link a FB post to a SM gallery. One is the "training wheels" mechanism that gets you a standard, non-customizable format that Smugmug predetermines. The other lets you control the look of your own FB post by building it manually.
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Ack, I'm sorry... I was looking in the wrong spot. All three links you posted are distinct requests in my mind, but you're absolutely right in that they overlap with parts of the list you posted.
Unfortunately a long list like this: http://smugmug.uservoice.com/forums/17723-smugmug/suggestions/899001-facebook-integration-improvements-needed is great for discussion on dgrin, but not the best way for us to track requests on uservoice. That is because, as you pointed out, the list encompasses so any distinct things. When someone adds their vote it doesn't tell us whether we should prioritize 1 and 2 on the list, or whether 5 is most important to our customers.
No worries, though, we have the feedback in both places now and I'm sure the comments on uservoice and votes on similar features will help the most critical improvements float to the top. Thanks for the help!
SmugMug Support Hero
Thanks! Im very pleased to hear this is being addressed.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com