iPad smugmug app

I have being using the app for a while and I must say that I love it! But I would like to suggest something what is bothering me with that app.
First - I would like to share my photos from the iPad app - like from the smugmug website
Second - if I set the gallery to be secured I can not copy them from smugmug to my iPad - it is bad because those are my photos and I would like to have access to them.
Thank you in advance
I have being using the app for a while and I must say that I love it! But I would like to suggest something what is bothering me with that app.
First - I would like to share my photos from the iPad app - like from the smugmug website
Second - if I set the gallery to be secured I can not copy them from smugmug to my iPad - it is bad because those are my photos and I would like to have access to them.
Thank you in advance
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There was an issue with a gallery that I had way to many photos in - and I broke that out into five separate galleries - and we also discovered that the 'share' links option must be turned on for a gallery to work properly with the ipad app - and things were working fine - but like I said - tonight for some reason - it is slow as molasses!!!
It is so frustrating to go to show someone some photos - in a gallery that is already fully saved! - and it is slow as all get out - i get that spinning thing - and nothing else!
I've resinstalled this app a thousand time - re-saved galleries - and it works for a while then - bam - super slow - crashes - spinning icon - ugh!!!
Am I the only one experiencing this poor performance and other quirks from this app??
Its in my bug tracker to work on soon.
Will anxiously await you applying some bug spray to this nasty critter.
Note to smugmug - if you need a beta tester for any fixes you come up with for this app - hit me up - would be glad to help out.
While not quite as polished and pretty as the smugmug iPad app it gets the job done. I like the ability to save a gallery at a lower resolution and then choose just one of those photos to re-synch at a higher resolution if i want - instead of the whole gallery. The pinch/stretch is nice - it holds its position instead of bouncing back. Oh and it's free!
There is a known bug that will crash the app if you have show caption and show file name turned on - so keep those turned off for now until fixed.
I'm gonna use this for now until the wizards at smugmug get their own app fixed up nicely and working fine like I know they will.
I shall give it a try on my iPad. The application from smugmug looks great but it is still full of bugs. Thank you for sharing.
Unfortunately, I too have noted some crashes. I can seem to make it happen repeatedly by looking at a gallery with some 'hidden' photos in it if I'm logged in. As I'm flicking through the pics, the screen is blank on the hidden ones, even when I (the admin) am logged in. Also, after about the 2nd hidden pic like this in an album, it will crash every time, throwing me back to the 'desktop'.
I too would love to see the 'share' functionality implemented in the app. And caption and keyword editing. And picture hiding/deletion. And comment entry.
But the backup delays and the crashing are top of the wish list.
Again, nice job! I've been hunting around for the best way to show off my pics, and this app is the best I've seen so far!
I bet the pros would love it if they could give it to *their* clients with a pre-determined URL, so clients could use their ipads to browse only their pics. Stick a "buy" button on each pic and when they drag it to grandma's house for show and tell, bamma lamma picture sale!