DSS 54 Which one?

Hi there - Hope you can help me out. Haven't done much with challenges in the past, but thought this might be fun. The title of my entry will be: "Rest in Peace" & the cliche should be very obvious! Here are the photos to choose from. Also let me know if the processing is okay. Reshoot is a definite possibility - especially this evening with better light
Thanks for the help!
1. Background is kinda bright - used fill flash on this & #2


3. Different background - no flash

4. No physical contact with the bucket here (just almost)

5. Portrait instead of landscape

6. Movement of the kicking foot

All C&C welcome - thanks!

1. Background is kinda bright - used fill flash on this & #2


3. Different background - no flash

4. No physical contact with the bucket here (just almost)

5. Portrait instead of landscape

6. Movement of the kicking foot

All C&C welcome - thanks!
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
great concept, really photogenic bucket.... just not sure about the shoe and the leg... guess the shoes just don't say "kick" to me (cool shoe, though).
having said all that, i like the light and the composition of 5 and 6.
hope that helps.
- Diana
Good idea - you're almost there!
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
Which would you choose?? Didn't have time to process, so these are pretty much right out of the camera, no crop or anything - Thanks for the feedback!
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .