Is that real? I was afraid to look at this post but this is the most colorful spider I have ever seen a pic of. I would however quit my job immediatey.
Is that real? I was afraid to look at this post but this is the most colorful spider I have ever seen a pic of. I would however quit my job immediatey.
he's real (if it is a "he"). he's been saturated in ps, but his true colors aren't to far off from the pics though.
he's real (if it is a "he"). he's been saturated in ps, but his true colors aren't to far off from the pics though.
Neat shot tho
But I suspect the missing legs are simply out of the depth of field and below his body (note how you can only see 5 in the second shot).
Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.
Mugged. Thats pretty funny. Does say the web can trap small birds though
the spider doesn't eat them.