a wasp and a toad
Poor wasp, I went to change the battery in my car, and popped the hood and suprise a wasp nest with around ten adults, so I sprayed it, as much as I hate to do stuff like that, I had to move the vehicle from its current spot and I am not willing to get stung in the process... anyway its been heavy rain here all week, and tonight I found this poor girl hiding under my eve on a steer skull, She almost looked sad and defeated... so I figured Id abuse her more by hitting her with the flash over and over... eventually she crawled up into the nasal cavity of the skull to get away from the lights..

and a cute young toad hunting, I have around a dozen in my yard of varying age, they are quite the characters...

and a cute young toad hunting, I have around a dozen in my yard of varying age, they are quite the characters...

Brian v.