Erin - fine art (NSFW)
One for now, more from this set later once we finish culling.
AB800 in a 50" softbox and giant silver reflector camera right mixed with the window light.
AB800 in a 50" softbox and giant silver reflector camera right mixed with the window light.

Excellent feedback...not one many would note.
Fine art is up for interpretation, I still see plenty that identifies the subject. But in its "true" sense (if such a thing exists today), the viewer can't identify with the model but instead identifies with the lines, emotion displayed, etc.
We have some from the session that were shot this way as well.
ModelMayhem · Flickr· ∞500px
The biggest problem for me is the pose because it is just not flattering at all. She looks very barrel chested and gives her a very wide shoulder with a very narrow waist, which I find to be awkward. The other big issue is the distractingly deep shadow between her thighs...
Literally stopped reading right there, because it's flat out false. Check the mags if you don't believe me.
ModelMayhem · Flickr· ∞500px
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
With this kind of reaction to C&C you're not gonna get much more...
I like c&c when it has something to it, and the person commenting can actually support their feedback. This one was nothing of the sort.
Her bellybutton appears larger than most because of the angle as well as the fact she is a mom. I have some dodge/burn work to do there to minimize it before printing.
As far as exposure, my style is to shoot hot. In addition, we wanted this art to be very strong in the whites, which is why I chose this white brick wall to shoot the nudes on. As always, this will actually print a touch darker, putting it exactly where I want.
ModelMayhem · Flickr· ∞500px
Please provide credentials for these image contests, plus, our studio is always looking for contests to enter in order to get input and improve our craft.
You are not the first to critique images, your comments about the pose are simply off-base. Especially when a published nude photographer had input on the photo, both positive and constructive changes - yet the pose was "great for her body".
I'd enjoy seeing a sample from one of your creations, showing how you executed a similar work and paid attention to the items you have pointed out.
ModelMayhem · Flickr· ∞500px
Please remove this line from your signature please:
Missing the point, critiques I can handle when there is some validity and substance with them. I agreed with Blurmore regarding his comments...and Icebear provided great feedback.
I asked you some questions in my last post, you clearly don't want to answer them. I will gravitate toward believing what a published nude photographer has to say about this image over the "senior-ish pose" garb.
Thanks again to everyone else for their input.
ModelMayhem · Flickr· ∞500px & smugmug
The image is over exposed (light wise) - all the detail is missing from the brick
The hand is cutoff on the window sill - the edge on that side is a distraction
The expression is not natural but forced looking
The shadow between her legs is harsh and unflattering
The pose is more about her nudity than a story about her
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
Link to my Smugmug site
I wasn't doing C&C on the model. Just the photographic quality and technique. If you want to do quality photography or you just want to view the subject as an object. There are many factors to a good photo with technique and light quality first.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
Link to my Smugmug site
What about getting out a spray bottle and making the model's skin wet and having her grabbing for a towel or another bathroom object? I see lots of potential here!
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
In this great big world around us, we will find what we are looking for! What we do with it is up to us to decide.
Olympus E-500 Olympus E-520 Zuiko 14-45 Zuiko 40-150 Sigma 50-500 Zuiko 18-180 4-AB800 strobes, 1AB-400 stobe, 4 softboxes, brolly box, umbrellas etc.
I'm also not a fan of the angle because we just see the edge of the windowsill jutting out. And her fingers are cut off.
Other things covered above by others.
Shooting nudes is much harder than I initially thought, and I am still so much a rookie at it (only done 3 sessions, about 6 hours). But I imagine you would get similar feedback on MM as you are getting here. If you disagree with a critique that's fine, I do occasionally, but when many say the same thing it should become harder to ignore. I try to be my own harshest critic, but its never easy.
Hope to see more of your work here.
An idea for you with a similar image and B&W, a nice soft shadow would really add to the image and give it depth.