Secure Emblem?
Is there a way to add, either to the gallery or cart, an emblem or check of approval saying that the SmugMug cart is secure so people feel safe? Protected by Smug Mug & a little 411 on how safe it is to purchase perhaps? My client is asking for this. I know I can add an image to the custom code I am using for the gallery, but not sure if there is a graphic and link that I can add? Would the check mark emblem on this page ( make sense if I added it to the gallery? Is there a page on smugmug that explains to shoppers how secure the cart is?
Is there a way to add, either to the gallery or cart, an emblem or check of approval saying that the SmugMug cart is secure so people feel safe? Protected by Smug Mug & a little 411 on how safe it is to purchase perhaps? My client is asking for this. I know I can add an image to the custom code I am using for the gallery, but not sure if there is a graphic and link that I can add? Would the check mark emblem on this page ( make sense if I added it to the gallery? Is there a page on smugmug that explains to shoppers how secure the cart is?
You can link to it from your gallery if you like, too.
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