You have 3 levels to work with:
>>> categories contain galleries and optionally subcategories
>>> subcategories contain galleries
>>> galleries contain photos
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Dan McBoostRegistered UsersPosts: 3Beginner grinner
edited July 15, 2010
Thanks for the info/links, but I am afraid that will not work very well for the amount of photos for this ONE event. There will be around 3000 images and it needs to be separated better. Having the "EVENT" be the first folder to click, which then would open up sub galleries of each "MAKE/MODEL 1", MAKE/MODEL 2", "HAPPENINGS", etc.. would be along the same lines as how I have done this before and everyone very happy with the ease of finding their cars and so on.
I also do not want all of the separate galleries listed as separate folders on my home page since it looks extremely messy (there will be 8-12 galleries for this one event), and I do this event each year and do 5-10 others very similar. This will be a mess very quickly, but a single folder per event would work so much better:
Thanks for the info/links, but I am afraid that will not work very well for the amount of photos for this ONE event. There will be around 3000 images and it needs to be separated better. Having the "EVENT" be the first folder to click, which then would open up sub galleries of each "MAKE/MODEL 1", MAKE/MODEL 2", "HAPPENINGS", etc.. would be along the same lines as how I have done this before and everyone very happy with the ease of finding their cars and so on.
I also do not want all of the separate galleries listed as separate folders on my home page since it looks extremely messy (there will be 8-12 galleries for this one event), and I do this event each year and do 5-10 others very similar. This will be a mess very quickly, but a single folder per event would work so much better:
>>> categories contain galleries and optionally subcategories
>>> subcategories contain galleries
>>> galleries contain photos
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You can also use collections to organize your photos.
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--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I also do not want all of the separate galleries listed as separate folders on my home page since it looks extremely messy (there will be 8-12 galleries for this one event), and I do this event each year and do 5-10 others very similar. This will be a mess very quickly, but a single folder per event would work so much better:
EVENT>2010>sub galleries is what I need.
How about setting up an event?
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