MJ Photo
Hi there check out my page at
see what you think, i am also running a photo challenge on my site so feel free to enter
see what you think, i am also running a photo challenge on my site so feel free to enter
On IE8 (I didn't check on Firefox), your banner image only shows on your homepage. It is missing elsewhere, leaving no trace of the site name.
It appears that you're limiting your galleries to smugmug small. That's a shame - it doesn't allow a viewer with a large monitor to really enjoy your photos.
Is it your intention to provide your photos for free? You have originals enabled in your galleries, and that enables free downloads of your photos. I'm not sure why someone would pay for the photos if they are available for free. You really should disable viewing of Originals. See ORIGINALS = a gateway to free photos, & right click protection is NOT PROTECTION.
You've removed the breadcrumbtrail without providing a replacement. As it is now your viewers have no idea what gallery they are viewing. See Are you really sure you want to hide the breadcrumb? Think of your viewers!
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
A quick look at your home page shows me a guy who is very pleased with himself and photos which do not inspire. Then it all becomes busy and I have no incentive to dive deeper.
Perhaps you should think more about your audience and be a bit humbler if you want to convert viewers into customers. Why would I want to look at your photos? And why would I want to buy from you?
Neal Jacob