UserVoice suggestion declined?

What causes a suggestion on UserVoice to be declined? I wrote one but then couldn't find it, and saw I still had a vote left... didn't know why, as I thought I'd used my last vote on creating that suggestion. Then I discovered I had gotten an email that said UserVoice "Suggestion declined". No reason or explanation.
I'm only asking because I'm not sure if I did something wrong, and don't know what kinds of things would cause a suggestion to be declined. It seemed like a reasonable one to me, and I couldn't find any similar suggestions after searching extensively. The suggestion had to do with adding a simple way to darken / lighten photos through "color effects". It was something I was told a long time ago would be happening, and every time I work on a gallery, I think about how handy it would be. (this is something different from auto-color) And yes, I know we have "PicNik" but that cuts down my file sizes, which is bad for large prints.
In fact, the only reason I didn't suggest this on UserVoice earlier is that I thought I had. But when I cleaned up my votes recently, I realized I had not ever suggested it there. I just want to be sure I didn't inadvertently goof up something as far as format, process, timing, etc. I don't see any notes about what is proper/improper as far as feature requests. But I had the page open for a long time while I was doing something else, before I posted the suggestion. Thanks for any help.
I'm only asking because I'm not sure if I did something wrong, and don't know what kinds of things would cause a suggestion to be declined. It seemed like a reasonable one to me, and I couldn't find any similar suggestions after searching extensively. The suggestion had to do with adding a simple way to darken / lighten photos through "color effects". It was something I was told a long time ago would be happening, and every time I work on a gallery, I think about how handy it would be. (this is something different from auto-color) And yes, I know we have "PicNik" but that cuts down my file sizes, which is bad for large prints.
In fact, the only reason I didn't suggest this on UserVoice earlier is that I thought I had. But when I cleaned up my votes recently, I realized I had not ever suggested it there. I just want to be sure I didn't inadvertently goof up something as far as format, process, timing, etc. I don't see any notes about what is proper/improper as far as feature requests. But I had the page open for a long time while I was doing something else, before I posted the suggestion. Thanks for any help.
Anna Lisa Yoder's Images - ... Handmade Photo Notecards: ... Framed/Matted work: ... Scribbles:
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
PS: Even when we do add what we're going to add (we hope), the exposure adjustments you are talking about are always best done by you, the pro, on your system. Before uploading to SmugMug.
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Ok, Andy, that makes some sense-- no use wasting votes! I just wanted to be sure I didn't do something wrong. And I agree about exposure adjustments best being done on my system. Yes, of course. But why have any at all on SmugMug if people have no use for them?! They do, & that's why you have them! As I've explained before, there are all kinds of instances when someone (myself & a whole lot of others included) are unable to use their home system:
1. I myself only just recently learned how to do bulk editing, so the bulk color effects tools were crucial for me for certain instances when I needed a whole batch lightened, etc. Lots of other folks will never even get around to learning this, so that's why your tools on Smug are used so much. You gotta understand that yes, you have all kinds of tools for which people could use PS or LR or Bridge or a free tool or whatever. But not everyone here is an experienced pro, and everyone is on a different part of the learning curve for these programs. People do have great use for your sorting, arranging, keywording, captioning & color/light-editing tools here-- this is a big part of why some of us are here and not some other lousy limited site! Don't shoot yourselves in the foot.
2. I was traveling for the better part of 3 weeks and had no access to PS or any other familiar editing tools. We're allowed only one home copy, so that's stuck at home on a desktop. While away, I sold a number of prints that I needed to edit somewhere, and it was fabulous that I had the photos up on Smug & could do some editing that way & get the prints sent out in time.
3. When computers are down or people are swapping out hard drives or re-installing programs or trying to learn new programs, they will not always have access to their tools. That's another thing I ran into in the past 2 months. Right now I can't even find all my custom actions on my old HD. I have to switch to PS4, & it's gonna take me awhile to get oriented. Smug is a life-saver (ok, almost!) at times like this!
4. Yes, editing is "best" done at home if you have the right tools. But 1st--lots of people don't. 2nd-- if the tools you use at home are sophisticated (like PS), it can take a lot longer to take each shot that needs editing into PS. For many simple fixes, it's been much faster to do it here. I don't take most files into PS-- I'd spend all my time on the computer rather than behind the camera if I did that! Once I have more bulk skills/organization/renaming down, this may change. I edit stock shots one-by-one, & I have to do that to get them accepted/ i.e. make money! I have had to get all that down pat before getting into bulk edits for display, etc.
Anyway, if you're working on adding more adjustments, I must say the part that doesn't make sense to me is why we would not have the most basic of all adjustments-- darkening or lightening a photo. So I hope that changes. It just seems that in most cases, that's step #1. Even if it's only available to the member & not a customer (that's fine w/ me), most people would agree it's the most important one to have. (& isn't the #1 complaint on prints "too dark"?) Even crummy sites that have nothing else have exposure adj. PicNik would be fine if it would be quicker, not cut file sizes, and could be used in bulk. I doubt that's changing soon. Well, just my 2 cents, but sounds like it's too late. I hope not.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Because we have lots of users that are -not- pros. And have no editing stuff at all.
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This is not true. You can have a copy on your desktop and a copy on your laptop.
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
I was just saying that the photo editing tools on the site (Picnik and our photo tools color effects) are not meant for pros. Pros by and large edit on their own and upload photos that are ready. Or use proof & replace.
Like I said, technology is changing and we may have tools that'll do what you ask for one day. Thanks!
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
That's good to hear. I'll hope that it's sooner rather than later. I have a very hard time "getting" why technology would be the obstacle, however.... surely it isn't truly? If Smug's photo editing tools aren't meant for pros, and those other sites' tools aren't either (I mean, basically no site's free or almost-free online tools are, right?!) it's hard to see why they'd have the techno & we wouldn't?
I mean, it's fine if there's some real obstacle. Clearly none of us members knows what it is & it seems we're not supposed to. But it might be more helpful (if it's not really some big top secret thing) to be upfront about what it is rather than saying we don't have the techno. We'd feel more patient I think. After-all, it IS true that I was told a long time ago that it was "coming soon". I can't really help it that I believed that, and having used the techno elsewhere I of course figured there was some other reason we couldn't do basic lightening/darkening here besides technology! A basic concept here that seems to be lost in the discussion is that when we edit something here, we're not editing our only copy in the world! Pro or not (& some people would say I'm a pro because I'm making money off my photos-- I don't, because it's not currently my main source of income)-- we're just doing a quick edit on something that's gonna print or display, so few of us are gonna need a bazillion colorizing options, but we sure do need the most basic one: Exposure. If I didn't like what it did, I'd just scrap it & spend more time on it at home. It's not supposed to be the be-all end-all edit maybe, but that's not the point, whether I'm a pro, amateur, beginner or hobbyist. If techno is really the issue, I'll eat my words.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
We're a private company in a very competitive business. We do not talk much about upcoming stuff, at all. Thanks Anna Lisa.
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
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