Problems with SmugMug
I am having problems trying to upload to Smug Mug. I use AT&T U-verse with a brand new laptop. I can upload photos easily to Facebook but have managed to only upload a few photos to SmugMug tonight. Can anyone shed some light on these issues?
I am having problems trying to upload to Smug Mug. I use AT&T U-verse with a brand new laptop. I can upload photos easily to Facebook but have managed to only upload a few photos to SmugMug tonight. Can anyone shed some light on these issues?
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What is your SmugMug nickname, I can help you with your email address, and everything else, right here.
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Please confirm - you want the simply kristi email address to be the email address on your account?
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I am sory you're having difficulties - no worries, we'll get you up and running like a pro in no-time -
I'll be emailing you from the help desk and will stay with you while we work through any issues - please reply to the email -
And I am sending to BOTH email addresses -
Standing by -
Support Hero
I do hope you receive one of the emails I've sent - addressed now to all three of the addresses we have for you -
And I did try to call as well but the tel # on your account is invalid -
Standing by -
Support Hero