iPad App Reason For LONG iPad Backups
Hey guys, love the iPad app, however, be aware that the reason for the long hours of backup time required is because of your app!
Unfortunately, all images that are saved to the iPad are transferred to your computer in the backup file when you sync. This is not necessary, please consider NOT pushing the saved images with the backup or at least make it configurable.
Unfortunately, all images that are saved to the iPad are transferred to your computer in the backup file when you sync. This is not necessary, please consider NOT pushing the saved images with the backup or at least make it configurable.
Thanks again!
The reason I'm making this assumption is because apple does make choices as to what is backed up from the iPad / iPhone in the backup package.
Maybe you can provide feedback to apple through the developer channels to consider an addition to the API for this option. Many applications have this problem (such as Good Reader etc) but SmugMug app is a big contributor depending on how many images are stored locally.
It's to the point now where many people are not able to backup there iPad's without deleting applications (SmugMug being one of them) because the backup is taking longer than the battery life and in most cases the sync will not charge an iPad so your battery is drained in the process.
Thanks for the consideration.
Okay - yeah, you are probably right... I suspect Apple is going to be forced to make a change to their API soon because you can't do the upgrade to v3.x without a mandatory backup, which results in the problem I have stated. I'm going to have to delete both my Smug Mug application and Good Reader as well as a few others that store data.
Unfortunately, until this problem is solved, I will leave the Smug Mug app off my iPad because I can still get to my site or simply create photo albums (which at this time does NOT appear to be backed up similar to music) but I will need to confirm this.
I love the app and hope for a fix soon from Apple. Like you said, I'm not too sure there is anything you can do about it at this point.
Feel free to email me directly if needed.
Perhaps the Smugmug iPad app could implement the same sort of option?
Thats a good idea. I do currently already cache but I don't clear it when you quit the app. If I cleared it when you quit then the backup wouldn't take so long. I'll make a note to add this as an option.
Blank Screens, the app quitting unexpectedly - it's practically unusable for me at this point - as well as my mother's ipad - same issues.
I've been working the Java Uploader for a while now (and SmugShot to some extent) but the iPad app is soon the be the main focus. Fortunately I've got most of the problems/solutions figured out, just gotta implement them, like the cache directory (thanks for the back-and-forth on that digitalQ).