DSS 55 possibilities... C and C welcome

Here are some shots I was considering for the Stripes challenge... C and C welcome... thanks! Just an FYI... the striped things in the pictures are paper beads my wife makes for jewelry (several of the pics are of her watch band), and the last one is self explanitory... 
Added #4 cropped to remove the empty space at the bottom








Added #4 cropped to remove the empty space at the bottom

#4 says stripes most strongly to me, but I think it would be better if you picked one of the beads that is more stripey in its detail.
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
#4 is really nice too - I like the "backdrop" to the really crisp bead with just a little darkness in between to separate. It just seems that the black bottom takes up too much of the shot. It's not so bad with your logo, but for the competition, the bottom 40-45% of the photo will just be all black. Maybe a little crop off the bottom so it's just less tall? Wouldn't want to cut off any of the rest of the shot.
Nice macros all around (even the barcode!). Nice beads too - I have a neclace made out of some of those!
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
**Just went out to take a peek at your other work in your gallery. This image was the first I visited....
I had one of those fast exhales...'simply' beautiful!
Thanks for the kind words! I haven't been looking at the challenges much lateley, but I'm trying to get back to paying attention (and entering for the practice/learning). I took a few minutes to take a look at some of your work on your site, and I must say that there are a ton of excellent images there... great stuff...
I agree about #4 needing to be cropped... I'll definitely fix it if I decide to enter it... I'm still having trouble choosing... I like them all for different reasons... Thanks for the feedback!:D
Very Nice!
My X/G pix was for a section in a blurb book we're doing called "There Is No I In Team". The idea being to capture action AWAY from the action. This one is about the crowd and the (3) Legends skaters top/left/center frame, loving that fact that he bailed.
My Smugmug Photos
Cool shot/concept... I just looked at it closer and realized that along with Bob Burnquist standing up in the upper right, 2 of my favorite "legends" are in the pic (Lance Mountain leaning on the pole, and Steve Caballero in the helmet right past the nose of Rune's board...) I actually have a reissue of Cab's 1987 deck, set up as a cruiser...:D
Thanks Leah,
You have a good point about the glossy background... I'm hoping I get to try a few another way this afternoon...:D
Thanks WSS...:D
I initially liked the reflection, until SH brought up the idea of a silk bg. Very nice.
However/whichever you choose, I personally love the deep, rich color and elevated black levels that each display. Just beautifu!