New Smugmug Tab Facebook App
For all the facebook fans out there, we just rolled out our latest app for smugmug users.
This app effortlessly lets you include all your smugmug public galleries (wiht support for the category/subcategory views) as a Tab in your facebook profiles and fan pages.
Checkout a live sample here
Or to install it, please visit
Please note that this app doesn't require any refreshing or other manual updating. It automatically updates itself is real time as you make changes to your smugmug account so it will always be in perfect sync with your smugmug account.
Please feel free to post suggestions for improvement or other comments you may have.
Thank you.
This app effortlessly lets you include all your smugmug public galleries (wiht support for the category/subcategory views) as a Tab in your facebook profiles and fan pages.
Checkout a live sample here
Or to install it, please visit
Please note that this app doesn't require any refreshing or other manual updating. It automatically updates itself is real time as you make changes to your smugmug account so it will always be in perfect sync with your smugmug account.
Please feel free to post suggestions for improvement or other comments you may have.
Thank you.
A few neat updates to tell you guys about:
1- Select between a Gallery or Category view just like on Smugmug
2- Add it to your fan pages as well as profiles.
Even more features will be added soon.
Thank you.
Waiting for smugmug to add this option to the API so the order can match what you have on smugmug itself. Currently it seems to be returned in alphabetical order always.
Also, remember this uses the largest res version you allow, you allow originals on your site, they WILL be on facebook.
OP, nice implementation.
A few corrections:
1- The largest size image we display is going to be a 745x720 pixels (the size that currently fits in the dimensions allowed in a facebook tab). So we don't show originals, and if you've limited the size to something even smaller on smugmug, then it will show that smaller image.
2- Right click to save images is not disabled, if users try to right click and try to save, they only get to save a 1 pixel blank image and not the actual image. It's not going to stop people from doing screenshots, but the same is true on smugmug itself.
3- Your photos are never uploaded to facebook itself, they are just displayed remotely directly from smugmug's servers.
Thank you.
I'm glad you added this app., but I haven't really compared it to SmugFoto-- upfront I didn't see much difference. At first glance, I wish there were larger thumbs displayed, rather than tiny thumbs and a lot of space... maybe that's not possible? It would be helpful to tell people here though that to add this app to your fan pages is not free ($10 a yr., right?) I mean, not a huge deal, but I went right to it hoping to add it to my fan page since other apps haven't been working for that. It took me a few min. to figure out that it wasn't part of the free app.
I also wish it would link to my custom name on SmugMug, which is WinsomeWorks, rather than my basic name. I had to try 4 different names to figure out which would work... some instructions about what to put in the "SmugMug account" box would help. I didn't know whether to add the "www." or not. The answer to that is "no"... it won't work. Then I didn't know I couldn't use my custom name. Again, not a biggie, but it would help to add this to the instructions so it's not a hit-or-miss process.
At least one of the photos displayed in a gallery in the sample page seems like it would not be allowed on Facebook due to nudity, but I haven't really read their rules-- anyone know? Thank you for correcting FlyingWolf's comments, as I knew that FB squashes file sizes down to nothing-ness whether you want them to or not!
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Thank you for your comments. We'll try to improve the user experience.
There is really just the "smugmug" name, the other name is your domain name, which we can't use to find your account.
This is a brand new app, so you'll be sure to see lots of improvements over the coming weeks/months as we get more feedback.
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What do I do?
Same here so I gave up.
I selected the galley format but nothing happened too.
I added the SM tab to my Fan page and I love it. However it's not updating with my new galleries as I add them. Can anyone tell me why?
Also does anyone know how to add custom tabs? I visited one site and they had a custom tab with images and information on the Christmas cards. Then another tab with information about their wedding packages.
I'd like to do the same but not sure how to do it.
Finally, what does everyone do about uploading photos to Facebook so you can tag people? I'm hesitant to upload the photos because they are not right click protected and people can just save them to their desktop. What do you all do? Any word on the progress of more Facebook integration with our site so we can tag people in our galleries?
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up in the tabs part of your fan page look for >> clik here and the SM Portfolio should drop down then clik it....this is how it worked for me just now.......
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