Ordered a few test prints from Bay Photo

I am excited and nervous about getting some prints done from Bay photo. I selected lustre, metallic and aluminum. So we shall see how my colors look. I did the same photo in the same size for each to see how they compare. I am also printing my own on my Epson 2880 Printer at home on Ilford Pearl Paper.
I hope I am impressed.... I will report back when I get them.
I hope I am impressed.... I will report back when I get them.
The aluminum print is cool. It looks like a powdercoated painting. The mounting is nice too. But it is a little fuzzy. Not super sharp. Might be great for something that doesn't need to look so sharp?
The metallic print is very nice looking. The highlights sort of shimmer. Looks very good for the $$ Still a little unsharp.
The Lustre is the sharpest looking and looks probably the best overall. The paper is a little thinner than I would have liked. But the quality looks really nice.
Now I need to do mine to see.
Can I see a link to the image?
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I would love to know if this is the norm for them or if something odd is going on?
Andy here is the image. Let me know what you think. To me it is looking pretty sharp on screen. With the metal print even the lettering on the side of the bike is a bit fuzzy. And the arm looks almost like I went overboard with NR. It is very smooth. The metallic print has some of the same issues just not nearly as much. That one is pretty good. The lustre is excellent.
And here is the link
we don't do any NR at Bay. Can you give me the order# please, thanks! It sure looks sharp enough. I'll contact the lab and find out what's up.
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Hi Zero,
I'm Steve, one of the image specialists here at SmugMug. Andy asked that I have a look at this order for you.
I've had a look at the original image, and viewed at 100% in Photoshop, it is a bit soft, but more importantly does appear to have had some form of noise reduction applied to it. This may have been applied in post processing, or even in-camera during capture. The EXIF data is stripped, so I can't see much more.
You can really see this in the rocks, ground, arms and shoulders of the rider, where you'd expect to see some sharp detailed (noisy) pixels. The freckles are even almost indiscernible. This photo is pretty creamy smooth, and could use a touch of sharpening as well.
The lab is running some tests to see if the printed products are to be expected based on the original image sent to them, and why there might be a discrepancy between the sharpness of those products.
You're of course always covered by the SmugMug guarantee. http://www.smugmug.com/prints/our-guarantee.mg
We'll work with Bay to see what their tests turn up. We can also have our image specialists add a bit of sharpening and get you a reprint of this order, or if you happen to have another version of this photo with a bit more tooth, we'd be happy to take a look at it as well. Let us know how we can help!
BizDev Account Manager
Image Specialist & Pro Concierge
Thanks for the reply. I know I applied some NR in PP on that image. It is also sharpened a little. I will pull some NR off and possibly sharpen a little more and shoot you another copy of it. Thanks a lot for the help on this one. It is a learning experience for me having stuff printed outside instead of with my own setup. The thing I am happy with is the color and exposure on the prints. They are right on. That is the thing I was most worried about.