#55 C&C please

greetings all,
have been driving a lot and going from one stunning view that need to be captured to the next, and so my mind eyes haven't really chance to look for stripes.
this one here is the only one so far that has even hinted at "stripes"...
what do y'all think? is it theme worthy?

have been driving a lot and going from one stunning view that need to be captured to the next, and so my mind eyes haven't really chance to look for stripes.
this one here is the only one so far that has even hinted at "stripes"...
what do y'all think? is it theme worthy?

- Diana
- Diana
It may be a different take on the theme, but since a stripe is defined as: "a relatively long, narrow band of a different color, appearance - distinguished by color or texture from the surrounding material" - the photo seems to fit.
Might need a touch of straightening - looks like the trees could be leaning a bit to the right.
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
I too think a tad of straightening is required.
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
lkbart, i loved your concept of the mountain being in nature's jail. i'm leaning towards making that the name.
- Diana