Arranging Categories & Galleries Nightmare

Okay. I'm struggling with moving my categories where they should be and my galleries where they should be. I've created and deleted, moved, shifted...and I can't get anything to work, no matter how much I've read in the Help site. But I'm about ready to hang it all and start from scratch.
My goal is the most category "Photography". Below that two categories "Collections" and "Home Life". Under "Collections" gallery "Nature", under "Home Life" galleries "Backyard Landscaping" and "Pool Construction"
What I currently have...categories/galleries, "Home Life", "Photography/Collections $ Pool Construction galleries", "Other/Backyard Landscaping", "Collections/Nature". A mess, and I've tried to make it right (until 3 am last night!).
I really appreciate your help with this.
My goal is the most category "Photography". Below that two categories "Collections" and "Home Life". Under "Collections" gallery "Nature", under "Home Life" galleries "Backyard Landscaping" and "Pool Construction"
What I currently have...categories/galleries, "Home Life", "Photography/Collections $ Pool Construction galleries", "Other/Backyard Landscaping", "Collections/Nature". A mess, and I've tried to make it right (until 3 am last night!).
I really appreciate your help with this.
-Photography (c)
--Collections (s)
---Nature (g)
--Home Life (s)
---Backyard Landscaping (g)
---Pool Construction
(c) category
(s) subcategory
(g) gallery
Try creating a subcategory and see how it goes.
Thanks. I wasn't thinking right regarding sub-categories which was messing me up; since I was trying to do what I shouldn't be able to do ;0(
It still took me a while to get it all straightened out - to undo what I did. But your layout helped greatly.
Thanks again.
Hello Roger,
I have myself set up over 40 Categories. They have all their own Sub-categories and Galleries. This I do using StarExplorer. Doing it directly in SmugMug is possible but much more tedious.
There are probably other tools so look around and see what you like best.
StarExplorer has become a valuable tool to manage the SmugMug structure and to upload photos
Ragards, Harald
My focus is on digitizing memories