Been highly uninspired of late... but, was at the beach the other day, and grabbed this...two or three other ideas are floating aimlessly through my head, as for the last few challenges...
What do you think?

I hope I get my mojo back soon... I have a wedding to shoot and a trip out west!!
Unfortunately there wasn't a great spot for me to continue scoping out more striped umbrellas, and a Tstorm was rolling in, so we headed back to the car, where we were safe from water, (and as soon as the rain stopped, I got out and was eaten ALIVE by mosquitos, but that is another sob story)..
Opinions definitely wanted as to challenge worthiness, as I have already uploaded the first to the contest...
(heading off to work for another 101* day....)
My Smugmug Photos
Since they had settled up on an incline I was shooting from below, so the angle is a bit interesting...since no one has commented that the second option is a better one, I will probably leave the first in the challenge...
Thanks for your responses!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
STUPID out of focus yellow cording got in the way....should I cut MORE of the feet off? I was trying the composition to 'ground' them...
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .