Your thoughts and/or opinions

I recieved this email today & was wondering what is the best way to respond,
I want to do it but I no clue what to charge. What would you guys do? :dunno
Here's the email:
[font="]Hi Jeff, [/font]
[font="]We really like your work, and our making a presentation to a prospective client soon. [/font] [font="]
We would like to use a few of your images in our presentation, they would be used in a comp of a website design, and we would want to use 2 or 3. [/font] [font="] [/font]
[font="]If we are awarded the contract, and that design comp is selected, we would be very interested in purchasing the rights to use some of your photos on this client’s website, and possibly other collateral such as brochures and direct mail.[/font]
[font="] [/font]
[font="]Can you give me some basic quotes for using your photos for website and print use if we are awarded the contract?[/font]
[font="] [/font]
(Name not included)
Any help is appreciated.
I want to do it but I no clue what to charge. What would you guys do? :dunno
Here's the email:
[font="]Hi Jeff, [/font]
[font="]We really like your work, and our making a presentation to a prospective client soon. [/font] [font="]
We would like to use a few of your images in our presentation, they would be used in a comp of a website design, and we would want to use 2 or 3. [/font] [font="] [/font]
[font="]If we are awarded the contract, and that design comp is selected, we would be very interested in purchasing the rights to use some of your photos on this client’s website, and possibly other collateral such as brochures and direct mail.[/font]
[font="] [/font]
[font="]Can you give me some basic quotes for using your photos for website and print use if we are awarded the contract?[/font]
[font="] [/font]
(Name not included)
Any help is appreciated.
They want to use your images for free! In the last paragraph they want your prices for print and web, yet they haven't given you enough info (press run, size used, etc. etc.) to even quote it!
For the comp you could use an artist-type fee usually used for copying or in this case reference. Be careful not to price that too low, (around $250 usually) and make sure your delivery memo says limited to one time use for a design comp--what some do is turn the comp from photographic into illustration (vector artwork), and that may be what they have in mind for whatever your shot(s) are too.
Like Andy says, nothing for free. I let some of mine be used for a book project publisher query, the book sold, and I wasn't picked to shoot it because of a squabble between the co-authors, one of whom had created her part of the book with my photos in mind. She bought over $1K of photos for her website, which helped ease the sting of losing the gig.
Your message back should display enthusiasm for future projects together!
Galleries here Upcoming Ranch/Horse Workshop
Congrats on receiving what appears to be a legit inquiry (from what you've supplied). Be happy they didn't just attempt to lift your images.
They probably weren't specific about their use intent because they assume you have a licensing structure in place. May I suggest you visit... for ideas on how that site charges for the same usage.
Good luck.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots