New to this site im brand new to ALL of this....i would appreciate some feedback to some questions i have..............1st i am really not sure where i should be setting my prices......2nd when uploading my images into a gallery,... should i just add them as they are........that way in the event someone wants to buy the image or print they can just adjust it with photo shop afterward .....or should i do auto color adjust........3rd ....if u do auto adjust from within the gallery and then it goes to the print shop....... are they just going to readjust the image to look better which would defeat the purpose of doing the auto adjust within the the auto color adjust from within the gallery only for looks within the gallery?........i think thats enough questions for now .......any help would be helpful. :dunno
When someone buys a print of an image, they will not have any option to adjust the image themselves. If you want to sell prints, your images should either be ready to print when you upload them or you should set a proof delay time and you can adjust them manually when they are ordered before they are printed.
Any adjustments you make to your images using Smugmug's tools are permanently made to your original images. They apply to screen, downloads and prints - everything.
Be careful with auto adjust. I would not suggest blindly using auto adjust without examining each image to see if it actually improves the image. The image may be adjusted again when it goes to the print lab (depending upon the adjustment settings you have for the print lab). I personally do my adjusting on my computer before uploading.
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