Tethered Shooting USB vs. Firewire

Anyone know or have any personal experience shooting tethered with firewire? About to buy a couple cables and was wondering if there was a huge difference in transfer speed between USB and Firewire 800. If Anyone know let me know...or ill just buy both and compare them for myself and let you know.
Last question do they make Firewire 800 to USB 4-pin Mini B cables or do i have to get a firewire 800 to usb 2.0 then get an adapter to go to mini usb?
thanks in advance.
Last question do they make Firewire 800 to USB 4-pin Mini B cables or do i have to get a firewire 800 to usb 2.0 then get an adapter to go to mini usb?
thanks in advance.
You have only a usb connection on your camera right? whatever cable/converter you attach to that, it will never become faster than what your camera connection can put out (only slower maybe).
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
from your USB source because the usb source will always output the data
at the same speed regardless of which cable is connected - you can only
loose performance by adding another element to the line.
― Edward Weston