Mystic Seaport CT
I was home visiting family and we went down to Mystic Seaport. I hadn't been there for years. We weren't there long before the sky started to look ominous

Fairly soon the heavens opened up

As with all summer thunder storms it soon passed.

These boats were for rent, make sure they throw in a bucket with the rental.

I loved the colors

Fairly soon the heavens opened up

As with all summer thunder storms it soon passed.

These boats were for rent, make sure they throw in a bucket with the rental.

I loved the colors

<Insert some profound quote here to try and seem like a deep thinker>
Michael Wachel Photography
I actually enjoyed the rain we holed up in a nice building right on the water front and I got most of my keepers during the rain storm.
Looks like a quaint little spot to hole up. Were you on the bike?
No pizza for me, I did see a couple of sweat shirts though. I flew out to see my family so no bike, I don't think I would have wanted to ride anyway. It was very hot and sticky, I was very happy to get back to Oregon where the weather is much more civilized