can't see finished card

I set pricing, etc., to sell 5x7 cards, but when I go through the create a card UI I never get a chance to see the card. It seems to go through the process, but doesn't show the card. Pricing is set for one gallery:
Any help would be appreciated.
I set pricing, etc., to sell 5x7 cards, but when I go through the create a card UI I never get a chance to see the card. It seems to go through the process, but doesn't show the card. Pricing is set for one gallery:
Any help would be appreciated.
I'm Lindy, one of the Support Heroes. When you create a card, we place it in a special gallery for you. It's in a category called My SmugMug Creations, and the gallery title is Cards. It's an unlisted gallery, so I won't be adding the link here. If you need us to send it to you, or have any questions, please shoot us an email at the help desk. We'll be happy to help you!
TaTa for now!