Announcement: Android App for Smugmug
My new Android app, SmugBot, went live on the market today. It allows multiple picture upload from the Android gallery. I'm still working on improving it - adding a better UI, facebook and twitter integration, and new gallery creation. I have a website up at for information and issue reporting.
It should - I'll double check. Thanks for the report.
Anyway, it should be there now. Thanks for trying it out.
Awesome, it's installing now!
Great - I appreciate any feedback.
The problem is when I go to gallery, I just get the four default options (facebook, etc.). It says my OS is up to date at version 2.1. Is this a Motorola thing where they don't support extending the gallery menu on their systems?
Hi Chris,
Thank you for checking it out. I don't have a Motorola, but if they made their own Gallery, I'll have to try to find a way to hook into it. Do the Share options look similar to the ones on the Incredible? I'll try to find some docs and a Droid to try it out. Btw - while I have your attention - thanks for SM in general. Can't imagine using anything else.
This is a little troubling. I got motorola's dev environment and a droid emulator and it seems to work fine. The gallery they have in the emulator is called Media Gallery. Is yours called something different. Motorola has such a huge marketshare I hate to think none of them can use my app.
Here are a couple of feature suggestions, if I may:
1) Either allow creation of new (private) albums
2) Have some way of putting "favorite" albums at the top of the list. That way if you have say a "phone pics" album, you could mark it as a favorite album and it would always be at the top of the galleries list so you don't have to scroll through so many albums to find the one you want.
Again, you did a great job on this app!
I don't know if you've updated the app since this message, but I just downloaded it on my wife's motoDroid and it worked just fine. She's got an app called "Gallery" instead of "Photos" like I have on my Incredible.
Anyway, I installed it on her motoDroid, went to Gallery and touched the picture I wanted to share, then touched menu > Smugbot. At this point, it went to a black screen and it took about 10 seconds before any of the items were on the screen (the dropdown, update button, etc.). If someone weren't patient, they might think the app didn't work and move away from the screen before it had a chance to load. You would probably benefit from an animated loading picture between the time they click smugbot and when the screen is populated with controls.
All of that to say it works just fine on the Motorolla Droid. Good work!
Thanks so much for the feedback - I really appreciate it. I'm still working on a few new features, but I'm also trying to make the basics really solid. I'm going to try to find a way to get a Droid for testing since it has some different apps for many of the things.
I like it! My demands aren't great -- just uploading shots to a pre-existing folder -- and it worked easily and speedily.
And the price is outstanding.
You and I and others can think of features to add to it. But if that's not your focus, then my only suggestion would be to add a note to the "Choose a gallery" page; a note that tells first-time users to hit the Refresh button to initialize loading their Smugmug galleries the first time out.
Nice work!
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
can't wait to see what you and other developers come up with for Smugmug and android down the road!
*Canon 40D: 17-55IS - 70-300IS - 100mm Macro - Sigma 10-20EX
JustPictures is the app you're looking for.
Also think it would be useful to have the gallery list alphabetically sorted to help find galleries easier.
Hi Guys,
Thanks again for the feedback. I just updated and provided a message to use the refresh button if the galleries are empty. I also added a hash to make sure the file arrives intact. I'm still working to provide some more features.