Bay Photo

Are there any plans to let power users have access to Bay Photo?
I was interested in experimenting with their Metal Prints. I do not sell prints; this is a hobby. I can't see paying the $100 extra just for the occasional use of Bay. Renewal time is here and figured I would ask.
Not sure if they will permit non-pros to order directly from them - a brief look did not show any restrictions. But that's a hassle also (though slightly cheaper).
Any chance this is in the works? Or is already there and I missed it
I was interested in experimenting with their Metal Prints. I do not sell prints; this is a hobby. I can't see paying the $100 extra just for the occasional use of Bay. Renewal time is here and figured I would ask.
Not sure if they will permit non-pros to order directly from them - a brief look did not show any restrictions. But that's a hassle also (though slightly cheaper).
Any chance this is in the works? Or is already there and I missed it
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Ah, well, it is what it is. Thanks for the quick response.
PS. I did not intend to imply my renewal was somehow contingent, just which renewal I made. Warts and all I like it here.
I'm not sure why it has to be Pro only, but you could always just go to their site and order what you want.
This is a really old thread (REALLY old), but since it is mine I thought I would resurrect it.
I just ordered a set of large gallery wrap canvas prints from Bay. They were gorgeous. Bay was amazingly good to deal with.
Obviously i did it outside of Smugmug.
I am not unhappy with the transaction in any way; Bay was amazing, and easy, and the minor extra step of exporting the images and importing to them was hardly a hurdle.
But... it makes me wonder once again -- why is this a "Pro" only feature? Sure... the less expensive (though in this case it is not) Ezprints is maybe more appropriate for most people, but it's a computer program -- you can provide a switch easily, since you do it for Pro users.
I do not even really need an answer... mostly this is to ask Smugmug to ask themselves whether restricting access to Bay really serves a useful purpose for Smugmug, since as users it is hardly an impediment.
Just a thought.
And Kudos to Bay Photo -- the wraps are on the wall, and look wonderful. Could not be happier.
I use Bay Photo with my smug site, but when I purchase anything - usually metal prints - I always compare prices and I almost always end up ordering directly from Bay.
Using the same criteria for the print (same size, corners, float mount block), the metalprint costs less ordered through smug. But shipping is much more.
I verified it just now. Same metalprint (12x18) ordered from smug is $51.50 and from Bay is $58.50.
Two day shipping from smug is $23.99, and two day shipping from Bay is $11.99.
Total ordered from smug is $75.49, total ordered from Bay is $70.49.
I know, that's close, only $5 difference. But for that $5, I'll order direct from Bay.
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We also go directly through Bay. I've never been disappointed with their products or service.
As to why smugmug restricts the service, who knows? Maybe it encourages people to step up to higher accounts?
And maybe that's all there is to it -- SM can't offer Bay services cheaper than Bay and still make money, so they offer it only to the people who might not care (i.e. someone else is paying).
Or, it occurs to me, that EZPrint's deal with them may be predicated on less competition in the mass market arena.
It doesn't much matter, and I am not asking so much as just suggesting it may be worth taking the issue out and dusting it off in SM's dungeon of future-planning in their next secret meeting.