DS 56 Panning a ballerina

Here's my attempts at panning - have never done anything like this before & thought if I used a merry-go-round that it would be easy. Ha! Maybe easier, but def NOT easy!
Any of these okay? C&C please!




Any of these okay? C&C please!





A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." Mark Twain
Thanks to you too Rob - I like the illusion of flying in #5 too, just wasn't sure if the lines from the fence & swingset added too or took away from the shot. & I've recropped #1 - I totally agree about the slide, but I like her pose & the way she's looking right at the camera. But is the recrop too narrow?
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
The crop on #1 is definitely an improvement, but you might be right on it being too narrow. My eyes are wanting to see more space on the other side now.
#3 has also grown on me now that I take a second look. I'm realizing I was drawn to the two photos with the most dynamic legs to start with. I just spent part of my afternoon photographing dancers also, and I think my brain was still looking for those dramatic poses.
Hate to nitpick but I'm not sure these necessarily meet the definition of panning since it appears that the camera was in the centre of the merry-go-round and therefore the camera and the subject are totally static in relation to each other and the appearance of movement is created by the merry-go-round turning about the axis on which the camera is placed. Just my .02
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
Regardless, it was National Dance Day, and it was a fun thing for us to do to celebrate it!
Gotta love the dance shots - they're my fav!
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
I wondered the same thing as Peter. Panning is usually considered moving the camera to keep up with the movement. While it might not be something that would get disqualified, the real question is will the judges consider it panning?
The images are great. I especially like #3's background and the expression on her face looks dreamy and serene.
My SmugMug
I agree with Sean and say Bravo to your creativity, but I saw your images and personally, were I a judge in this round, I would be looking at images that fit the definition of "panning" in making my decision, looking for the many ways people see things within the limits of the theme.. That said, I would have to put yours aside. Panning in this case would be a test of hand-held camera skills, one in which the subject moves and you would be trying to keep up with it. I just don't think you display that skill here. Your picture won't be eliminated because the exif is in-date, but the judges are likely to be looking for images that display the skill of panning more than this.
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and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
And thanks Donna (dnie) - I've thought if I use #3 that serenity might be in the name somewhere!
Thanks for your input Mark (Hoofclix) & thanks for the link to my response to the clarification by the mod. Your response together with others here will likely determine which shot I use for the challenge. I'm adding a few more shots here where I was on the ground & not on the merry-go-round when shooting. I believe that these (and #1 above) meet the criteria for your definition of panning - hand holding the camera & following the moving subject. Would you still put them aside if you were judging? Or are any of these okay?
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
So to me they are different and creative, and therefore strong entries.
i.Candi by Mandi Photgraphy
Seymour, IN
iCandi - Thanks for your comment also - & cool name!
Some of the other comments here have left me confused as to how to proceed in this round. Being relatively new to photography & to these challenges, I only had a vague idea of what panning was and thought the merry-go-round would be a good place to get my feet wet. I missed the part that said I was supposed to display a hand held skill; I just read that the photo should have"... a foreground subject in action appearing still ... while the background is streaked ...." I was further confused when I googled "panning photography" and one of the first links was to an article that stated "there are no rules in panning", another article mentioned using a merry-go-round and several places recommend using a tripod or monopod. And maybe I’m wrong - & I’m not trying to diss anyone, but my impression has been that these contests are meant for people of all skill (& equipment) levels to challenge themselves and not a competition for professional photographers to showcase their expert skills.
So my bottom line is that for my skill level, I feel I did a decent job, I had a great time (and so did my daughter), I learned several things, and I am very happy with the photos, and I’m still going to be happy with my photo entry whether it makes the finals or not. Thanks for all the comments & suggestions - from everyone.
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
BTW, I really like these. They are excellent examples of panning and an unusual subject.
PS- Great Idea!
Unsharp at any Speed
I'm not sure if I like this any better. I'm not good enough with PS Elements to clone out the bars nicely - wish I could! This one does seem to minimize the clutter in the back though.
And here's a side by side of #3 (I hope!):
Crop A (wider): Crop B (no blue on the bottom):
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
I think I like Crop B better. I like her wistful look in #3.
I like the color better in #5.
Both #3 and #5 are excellent.