Playing with Fire - is this painting?

So some of my friends threw a party and we had a small fire to roast marshmellows on - and I spent a good hour playing with moving the camera around while holding the shutter open - would that count as painting? It'd be kind of hard to move the fire around.

I really wish I'd had a tripod to get my friends a little sharper during the first second or so, before I started moving the lens around... these are generally between 2-4 seconds each
comments, suggestions? Does this count as light painting? There are a bunch more online and I had a hard time picking *only* six for here.
So some of my friends threw a party and we had a small fire to roast marshmellows on - and I spent a good hour playing with moving the camera around while holding the shutter open - would that count as painting? It'd be kind of hard to move the fire around.

I really wish I'd had a tripod to get my friends a little sharper during the first second or so, before I started moving the lens around... these are generally between 2-4 seconds each
comments, suggestions? Does this count as light painting? There are a bunch more online and I had a hard time picking *only* six for here.
I think #6 looks like a figure or something emerging from the fire... and I'm not crazy about the floodlit grass in the bg on #4, would have preferred it darker.
I agree!! I really like #1 alot. #4 is a neat image, but #1 is just better (imho).
I think #1 is a tad too close. You lose the full circular effect.
#6 is a tad too far. It might work better if cropped a bit tighter. But I think it would be better still if the circle were a bit smaller and it filled the frame. Like #1, but a bit farther out.
What would a complete circle look like in the horizontal plane? Like #4 only more so.
This is a great excuse to have a fire and marshmallow roast every night.
#6 - the fire looks like it's going to reach out and nab someone. Fire monster.
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
whew! there are just a lot of them. I took sooo many because once the shutter goes I can't see through the viewfinder anymore, and I'm guessing how much to move the camera to make the flame fill the frame... and every single one has some edge with flame escaping...
removing the ones I rule out as I proceed...
I was playing with painting last night and ran into the same issue you did - guessing as to what the camera would capture. Oh well, I'm not afraid to take LOTS of pictures.
leaning towards #1
runner up:
haven't ruled out yet:
new contender: along the lines of #1
PS. I've tried changing the title by editing my first post, but I guess this forum doesn't run the vanilla I'm used to. I wish I hadn't put the title as a question now that it's been answered.