WTH: Wedding Photographer for 6 Nov 2010 Wedding in Annapolis, MD
I'm interested in finding a wedding photographer for my Nov 6, 2010 Wedding. The Ceremony will be at noon, at the US Naval Academy Chapel with a short reception to follow at the USNA alumni house 1-4pm. Although we're having a military wedding, the event will be pretty informal. My fiancee and I both have kids from previous relationships and we are trying to keep things fun for the kids. We are particularly interested in a photographer who has experience photographing kids.
If you are interested, please send me a phone number, a price quote, and a brief description of your experience. A link to some of your photos would be great too!
Thanks very much,
If you are interested, please send me a phone number, a price quote, and a brief description of your experience. A link to some of your photos would be great too!
Thanks very much,