custom url

biodiversityphotographybiodiversityphotography Registered Users Posts: 25 Big grins
edited August 5, 2010 in SmugMug Support
OK, I have been fussing with trying to turn to I have added a cname record to my DNS that now reads:

Additional Resource Records
Name Type Data CNAME

I must be missing something, because I keep getting the error message in SM:

"That hostname doesn't appear to be valid. Your hostname needs to be setup using a CNAME record at your domain registrar."

Paul S. Hamilton
Executive Director & Photographer
Reptile & Amphibian Ecology International


  • TysaxTysax Registered Users Posts: 53 Big grins
    edited August 2, 2010
    I've checked your domain,, and it looks as if your CNAME is not setup correctly, or the DNS has not yet propagated with your changes.

    To set up the CNAME, the A record should point to and the www record should point to After this is complete, add the domain with the www prefix to your control panel under the settings tab.

    If you require assistance setting this up correctly, we can help. You'll have to provide us with the following information:

    1. the name and url of your domain registrar
    2. login name or customer number to your domain
    3. change the password for your domain to smugtemp123
    4. your domain name (

    We can then login on your behalf and make the necessary changes to your setup.

    Let us know if you have any additional questions and have a great day!

    SmugMug Support Hero
    Smugmug Support Hero
  • biodiversityphotographybiodiversityphotography Registered Users Posts: 25 Big grins
    edited August 3, 2010

    Thanks for the assistance! I am trying to add the A record and am getting en error. So, if you could do it:
    Paul S. Hamilton
    Executive Director & Photographer
    Reptile & Amphibian Ecology International
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited August 3, 2010
    Good news. I have completed making the changes to your domain. Now your domain should start working in the next hour or so. But, it can take up 24-48 depending on your domain host. So please be patient as the domain updates. While you wait, I have some valuable tips to help get you started. Please take some time to look them over as they should answer some of the question you have now or soon will have.

    I have posted the tips here on our wiki:

    The last step is to wait until your domain resolves correctly. You will know that it is resolving when the domain points at the SmugMug homepage.

    Once the domain resolves correctly, you can go to your SmugMug control panel and enter the custom domain on the settings tab. That is all there is too it. If you have problems, please let me know.

    Now that I am done with your domain, please do not forget to reset your password.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • biodiversityphotographybiodiversityphotography Registered Users Posts: 25 Big grins
    edited August 4, 2010
    Thanks for everything so far, but I'm still not able to add the custom hostname to smugmug on the account settings CP. More thoughts?
    Paul S. Hamilton
    Executive Director & Photographer
    Reptile & Amphibian Ecology International
  • biodiversityphotographybiodiversityphotography Registered Users Posts: 25 Big grins
    edited August 5, 2010
    Paul S. Hamilton
    Executive Director & Photographer
    Reptile & Amphibian Ecology International
  • WinsomeWorksWinsomeWorks Registered Users Posts: 1,935 Major grins
    edited August 5, 2010
    Thanks for everything so far, but I'm still not able to add the custom hostname to smugmug on the account settings CP. More thoughts?
    Looks like Doc said in the post below that it could take 24-48 hrs. until you'd be able to add the custom name. From the time of your posts, it looks like the time isn't up yet? [ETA: oops, yeah, it should be up by now... sorry; I dunno]
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  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited August 5, 2010

    please write our Support Heroes and let us help you from our super speedy help desk. Thanks.
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